New Users

  • Interested new users are encouraged to contact the Director ofthe Shared Instruments Poolto discuss their planned project/experiment during the planning phase.
  • Thiswill allow the prospective user to determineifthe chosen instrument(s)/method(s)aresuitable to achievetheirgoalsandwhat kind of experimental or instrumentalconstrains have to be consideredduring experiment design.


  • Prospective users must receive hands on training fromfacility staffbefore they are allowed to use the instrument independently.This includes specialized instruments, as well as, shared “household” instruments like centrifuges.

  • Trainingcan notbe done by another lab member, colleague, etc. unlessthis was authorized by facility personnel.

  • When possible and appropriate training will bedone with actual user samplesso that users might gain preliminary data during the training and the facility personnel can help with troubleshooting and optimization, if necessary.

  • An initial meeting prior to training is required to discuss sample preparation, requirements, and constraints.

Instrument Access and Scheduling

  • Some instruments are availableon awalk-upbasis.This includes the centrifuges, autoclaves,sonicators, gel imaging systems and other “short-use” instruments.
  • More specializedinstruments requiring longer time periods for use can be scheduled through Google calendars. Users will be given access to specific calendars once they have completed the training and are approved to usethatinstrumentindependent.
  • Users should only book the time they will need and if theirplanschange,they mustupdatetheir booking asearly aspossibleas other people may be waiting for free instrument time.

Cost of Usage

The following is an outline for university users. Outside users should contact the facility director for information.

  • InitialConsulting andtheFirstTestExperiment

  1. The initial consult with facility personnel is free of charge. In most cases we will be able to perform a test experiment with the prospective user which includestraining for first time users of the pool free of charge.

  • Buying into the Pool

  1. If new usersbecome regular users of the instrument(s)in the pool,the user groupis expectedto buy into the pool. Regular usersare sorted into 3 categories (high, intermediate, low) once per year based on the usage in the previous year. This designation may change year to year.The idea is everyone contributes, everyone benefits.

  2. In return,we willkeep all the instruments in excellent running orderbyperformingpreventativemaintenance, calibration, performance testandrepairs (if possible)as well ascoordinate service visits whenneeded.

  3. In addition,we provideexpertiseand helpwithproject planning,data collection,troubleshooting, optimization anddata evaluationas needed/wanted by user.

  4. There is no limit to the number of users from each group or to the number of instruments that can be used in the pool.

  • Consumables, Repairs andServiceVisits

  1. User groups are expected to provide or pay for all consumables (pipette tips, LN2, tubes, reagents etc.).

  2. User groups are expected to pay for parts and repairs that become necessary because of neglect or carelessness.(You break it you bought it)

  3. User groups are expectedto contribute to parts/repairs needed due to normal wear and tearas needed.The costs are split between user groups according to the % of overall use of the instrument over the last two years.Consequently,cost for repairs may come quite some time after use. Minimal users are not included in cost.


In additiontoallsafetyrequirementsfromEH&S for general work in research labs and forspecificwork involving biohazards, radiation hazards,ect.,the following is an outline of safety requirements.
Please see the for detailed information and trainings modules.
  1. Required Safety Training
    • All users must completethe offered by EH&S and therequired.
    • All users working with radioisotopes must complete offered by EH&S and wear radiation badges when appropriate. The training has to be refreshed according to EH&S regulations.
    • All users working withbio hazards includingrecombinant DNA have tocompletethe .
  2. General Safety Rules and Considerations
    • Food or drink isnotallowed in the labsoraround any of the instruments.
    • Closed toed shoes and long pants are strictlyrequired.Shortsandsandals/flip-flops or bare feetare prohibited.
    • Safety glasses and lab coatsarerequired.
    • Disposable gloves should be usedwhenappropriate.
    • All waste must be disposed of according to EH&S regulations.
    • If users are at any point unsure about safety during experiments theycanask for help anytime. Facility personnelcan be contacted any time by email, text,call or by visiting the office C316 in JSCBB. Ifthey arenot in the office,they will leave a note saying where in the building theyareor they will post their phone number on the door so that they can be easily contact.
    • Users planning on working after regular hours should make sure that they are not alone, that someone close by knows that they are around and that they check in with the other person regularly.
  3. Contact Information In Case of Emergency
    • Dr. Annette Erbse; Director of Shared Instruments Pool In Biochemistry
      • Phone: 303-492-0528 (regular hours), when applicable private cell phone number is posted on office door andat theinstruments
      • Office: JSCBB, C316
    • UCB Police Dispatch (After Campus Hours): 911 or (303) 492-6666
    • EH&S Health Physics (Campus Hours): (303) 492-6523
    • Environmental Health & Safety (Campus Hours): (303) 492-6025


  • If users are at any point unsure aboutthe correct operation of one of the instruments, they shouldask for help.Facility personnel can be contacted any time by email, text,call or by visiting the office C316 in JSCBB. If not in the office,they will leave a note saying where in the building they are, or they will post their phone number on the door so that they can be easily contacted.
  • Users are expected to leave the instruments and workspaces in good and clean conditions. That includes allpartsoftheworkspace (instruments, computers, keyboards, desks, etc.)as well as the proper disposal of any samples or waste products.Samples and waste should be disposed in the lab of the user.
  • Users areexpected to wipe down the parts of the instrument they touched aswell as any keyboard, mouse, touchpad, desk etc.with a paper towel sprayed with 70%EtOH or 75% IPA (provided in spray bottles at the instruments) after they have completed their experiments.