In Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) information on particle size is gained by observing time-dependent聽fluctuations in 聽light scattering intensities , resulting from particles undergoing random Brownian motion. It can be used to measure the hydrodynamic radius, modality, size distribution, estimated molecular weight and diffusion coefficient of particles in solution.

DLS is often used to observe the hydrodynamic radius and the aggregation of protein samples under different solution conditions (e.g. pH, salt, temperature) in order 聽to screen for ideal conditions for crystal growth or NMR experiments. In nanotechnology, DLS is used to determine particle size and size distribution of new nanoparticles, under different conditions.

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Exciting Possibilities in Biology, Biochemistry and Biophysics

  • 聽Hydrodynamic radius
  • Size distribution
  • Polydispersity/Polymodality
  • Translational diffusion coefficient
  • Protein stability and aggregation as a function of temperature, concentration or buffer conditions
  • Screening for good NMR or crystallization conditions
  • Screening for stability in formulations
  • And a lot more ...