Controllable Open-source Water Sensing (COWS)
Project: Environmnental Remote Sensuing using a Low Cost GNSS-IR System
Abtract: Team COWS is working with Dr. Toby Minear in Smead Aerospace to create a readily available GNSS sensor that measures changes in water level for climate research. The sensor will be deployed at remote locations to take water level data using the GNSS-IR technique and send it back to a user using the Iridium communication satellite systems.
Mentor: Smead Aerospace (Toby Minear)
PM: Janelle Nedrow
Team Roster: Micah Bergeron, Gerrell Miller, Ethan Stapp, Kristyn Grell, Hideyuki Nakanishi, Sean Vestecka, Toan Lu, Janelle Nedrow, Blake Wilson