Aerospace System got Advanced Ultraefficient Renewables (AeroSAUR)
Project: Sail Energy System: Aircraft/Control
Abtract: AeroSAUR is dedicated to pioneering the future of renewable energy through the development of an innovative Airborne Wind Energy System (AWES) utilizing a large kite. By engineering a sophisticated control system for a 7-meter kite, AeroSAUR aims to revolutionize wind energy generation, achieving unparalleled efficiency with a fraction of the materials required by traditional wind turbines.
Mentor: Smead Aerospace (Zachary Sunberg)
PM: Kieran Boyles
Team Roster: Kieryn Boyles, Tori Morgheim, Shawyong Shawyong, Benjamin Watanapongse, Jp Burbage, Emma Pautler, Angelina Miller, Andrew Pixley, Chaney Sullivan