Broadening Participation with Co-Design

Professional Learning

An iSAT team member leads partner teachers in a professional learning session.

The foundational question for Strand 3 is: In what ways can inclusive co-design processes empower stakeholders with diverse identities to envision, co-create, critique, and apply AI learning technologies for their schools and com­munities? With an emphasis on conceptualizing equity in implementation of AI, expanding forms of classroom engagement, and keeping ethical concerns such as privacy and the unequal distribution of harms at the forefront, Strand 3 plays a critical role in helping to ensure iSAT fulfills its mission to create equitable and socio-collaborative learning experiences for all students. Strand 3’s work in K-12 classrooms over the past 4+ years has amplified the voices of students from all backgrounds to inform the data analysis work of our Strand 1 researchers and the team science and human-computer interaction work of our Strand 2 researchers. Strand 3 focuses on these areas to achieves its goals: Learning Futures Workshop, Curriculum Units and Partnerships with Community Stakeholders.