Mechanical Engineering (ME) Partners support the education of students and the mission of the department by bringing industry connections through a focus on project-based learning.

What ME Partners Do

  • Sponsor senior design and graduate design course projects
  • Provide resources to maintain and enhance project-based courses
  • Deliver seminars to graduate and undergraduate students
  • Serve as guest lecturers for academic courses
  • Support plant/lab site visits for students
  • Connect students with internship opportunities
  • Serve as adjunct faculty members, as needed

What Partners Get In Return

  • Network with colleagues
  • Student recruitment opportunities for jobs/internships
  • Opportunity to shape education for up-and-coming engineers
  • Solutions to engineering problems through senior design projects
  • New ideas and approaches to company problems
  • Functioning hardware with documentation
  • Outreach and promotion of your involvement


ME Partner meetings are held annually, coinciding with the Mechanical Engineering Senior Design Exposition in April.

Get Involved听

ME Partners must sponsor a senior or graduate design project at least every three years. If you are interested in serving on the ME Partners Committee, please contact