Day 6 Monday June 14, 2021 (GMT)

Topic: GenomicSEM

Lead Faculty: Michel G. Nivard & Andrew D. Grotzinger

Daily lecture, to be watched before the tutorial sessions.

The total duration of videos in this section is 1:58:57.

Discussions about the day's topic should go in the .

The slides for these lectures are available as PDF files: Genomic SEM Introduction, Lavaan syntax and SEM introduction, Sumstats and GWAS Functions, GWAS by subtraction,

The lectures for this topic are all in the

The individual videos are linked below

1 Genomic SEM Introduction
2 Lavaan syntax and SEM introduction
3 Explaining how S and V are estimated and what they are
4a Working through the examples on the wiki one by one: munge; ldsc; usermodel functions
4b Working through the examples on the wiki one by one: sumstats and GWAS functions
5 GWAS by subtraction