International Statistical Genetics Workshop Online Resources

Below, you will find material that can be used at any time to learn or brush up on statistical genetics topics. 

How to use this page

The lectures and practicals are divided into several broad categories: Theory & background, Twin & family, Common & rare variant association, and Downstream genomic data analysis. Within each category the lectures are grouped into related lectures by a letter, and then put in order by a number. For example, under Theory & background the C1-C4 lectures cover a common topic (introduction to R), and are best watched in order 1-4. Lectures at the beginning of the alphabet (e.g., A, B) tend to be more introductory, and later letters tend to be more advanced/specialized. The "Filter by Topic" selection filter can be used to show only lectures covering the selected topics.

Script repository

In addition to the lectures and practicals available here, Hermine Maes has a collection of useful OpenMx scripts on her website at

Workshop Contact Information

The Workshop Coordinator can be contacted with questions related to registration, scheduling, and travel at