- Welcome from acting dean Molenaar [5 minutes]
- Introductions - Large group [10 minutes]
- Name
- Department/Program/Unit you are representing
- One fun fact about you or hobby you enjoy
- Connect - Something in Common! [15 minutes]
- In small groups (breakout rooms) - identify the three most unique things that you all have in common. (10 minutes)
- Share out your group’s three most unique things with the larger group (5 minutes)
- Individual committee members indicate commonalities (in the group Chat) as group’s present
- Council Overview [10 minutes]
- Presentation of
- Why was the ICC created?
- Council Member Roles & Responsibilities
- Presentation of
- IDEA Council Introduction & Updates from Fernando Rosario-Ortiz [5 min]
- Guest Speakers from Leeds School of Business [30 minutes]
- Sabrina Volpone
- Christina Lacerenza
- Outcomes:
- Real-world examples of equity, diversity, and inclusion practices to share with our local units
- Question & Answer
- Closing Declaration Statement: Make a declaration statement using the sentence “I will__...” consisting of something you learned from our meeting that you plan to share locally. [4 minutes]
- Action Items [1 minute]
- Complete doodle poll for meeting availability - By End of Business 9/27
- Complete ICC Member Survey
- Review materials from the meeting
- Share information and updates with your department/program/unit