Research with Signal Integrity Simulation Tools

Project Desciption This project is about simulating and either measuring (or working with another student to measure) signal integrity (SI) problems in high-speed digital engineering (HSDE). Clock frequencies and data rates are increasing, driven by the high growth rate of internet traffic and computer processing power. For most electronic products,...

Understanding Differences in Online and Remote Student Activity

Project Description This project aims to study the gaps that arise in understanding and supporting self-regulated learning in the newly emerging online learning space, as demonstrated by the varied behaviors of different populations of students. In particular, we will address questions of how learning management system traces indicate successful self-regulated...

Designing Biomaterials to Treat Growth Plate Injuries

Project Description The growth plate, a region of cartilage found in the long bones of growing children, is responsible for healthy bone development and elongation. The growth plate’s function and structure relies on a complex system of both biochemical and biophysical cues. However, in the case of limb paralysis or...

Developing a Therapeutic Biomaterial that Attenuates the Foreign Body Response

Project Description When non-biological materials are implanted in the body the innate immune system responds by surrounding the material with dense fibrous collagen and persistent inflammation at the surface of the material. This response, deemed the foreign body response (FBR), prevents biomaterials from interacting with the body long-term and contributes...

Electrical Engineering Outreach Educational Research

Project Description This project will be educational research focusing on the nationwide problem of recruiting highschool students into electrical engineering. There are a few current hypothesis on why there is such a problem but they have not fixed the problem, even with a lot of resources put into them. This...

FPGA development for Radio Frequency Communications Distortion Reduction

Project Description Transmitters used for radio frequency (RF) communications systems (cell phones, wifi, etc) need to be made linear so they don't introduce distortion into the data signal. Normally, this is done with digital signal processing techniques to "pre-distort" a signal as a way to correct for the nonlinearity of...

Optimization of Multipulse Ultrasound Imaging

Project Description Ultrasound imaging is an important tool for medical diagnostics, but we must work to develop imaging sequences that can image faster and with greater clarity to address a wider range of patients and clinical tasks. We have developed a method that involves transmitting from each element on an...

Engineering for Social Justice, Literature Lead

Project Description We are looking for a student to aid in understanding the career pathways of global engineering students and building a research base on the education of these students. This study hopes to unearth some of the structures in global engineering and development that are both preventing and aiding...

Protecting Temperature-Sensitive Ecosystems from Heat Pollution by Groundwater

Project Description Geothermal energy systems (GES) use groundwater as a source or sink of heat for heating or cooling. Groundwater is extracted from an aquifer, passed through a heat exchanger, and returned to the aquifer at a temperature that is warmer (if used for cooling) or cooler (if used for...

Mechanical Design for Volumetric 3D Printing

Project Description Volumetric Additive Manufacturing (VAM) is the latest and greatest 3D printing technology that is bringing science fiction 3D printing to life! By projecting images into a volume of liquid material at different angles, an accumulation of energy builds within the material. When the energy accumulation in a region...
