Project Description

Transmitters used for radio frequency (RF) communications systems (cell phones, wifi, etc) need to be made linear so they don't introduce distortion into the data signal. Normally, this is done with digital signal processing techniques to "pre-distort" a signal as a way to correct for the nonlinearity of the hardware. In this research project, we will explore a new and different approach that uses signal processing *within* the RF hardware to reduce distortion. Our research group has demonstrated the fundamental concept using analog filter design, and now want to extend the idea to using more flexible, adaptive digital filters. The DLA student's role will be focused on coding the Xilinx FPGA to implement a digital filter and working with the ADC/DAC interfaces to the RF hardware. Along the way, you'll learn about the RF communications system, why distortion happens and how our approach helps to solve it, and gain experience with the FPGA and digital filter design. This project is ideal for someone interested in embedded systems who is also curious to learn more about RF hardware, no prior RF experience is needed.

Special Requirement

Experience with and enthusiasm for FPGA programming is a must. We are currently using Vivado so prior experience with that software is a bonus. You do not need to have experience with RF hardware or systems.
