Research with Signal Integrity Simulation Tools

Project Desciption This project is about simulating and either measuring (or working with another student to measure) signal integrity (SI) problems in high-speed digital engineering (HSDE). Clock frequencies and data rates are increasing, driven by the high growth rate of internet traffic and computer processing power. For most electronic products,...

Understanding Differences in Online and Remote Student Activity

Project Description This project aims to study the gaps that arise in understanding and supporting self-regulated learning in the newly emerging online learning space, as demonstrated by the varied behaviors of different populations of students. In particular, we will address questions of how learning management system traces indicate successful self-regulated...

Spectrum Science and Software Defined Radios

Project Description SpectrumX, initiated by a 5-year, $25M center grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation, is the world’s largest academic hub where all radio spectrum stakeholders can innovate, collaborate, and contribute to maximizing social welfare of this precious resource. SpectrumX brings together broad and synergistic research capabilities from a...

Distributed Software Defined Meteor Radar

Project Description This project supported by the National Science Foundation Distributed Arrays of Small Instruments (DASI) program will utilizes observations of meteors to measure the winds in the upper atmosphere. Tons of mass enters the atmosphere daily in the form of meteroids. Observations of meteor with radar can be used...

SWARM-EX CubeSat Electrical Design

Project Description SWARM-EX is an inter-collegiate CubeSat initiative supported by the National Science Foundation to launch three identical CubeSats into low Earth Orbit (LEO) to investigate advanced scientific phenomena in the upper-atmosphere and demonstrate novel formation flying capabilities using a cutting-edge hybrid control scheme which harnesses both propulsion and differential...

Hot-Spot Management in Microelectronics: Mapping Temperatures of a 3D Chip

Project Description In the era of hybrid cloud, AI, and the Internet of Things, the demand for faster and more energy efficient microprocessors continues to rise. In order to address this growing demand, the newest IBM innovation projects to host 50 billion transistors on a chip the size of a...

Quantum Acoustics: Identifying Loss Mechanisms in Quantum Architectures

Project Description Quantum information science and technology (QIST) has been undergoing rapid development in recent years. The recent demonstration of various elements such as quantum computers and quantum communication links indicate the beginning of a new era where QIST starts to transit from pure laboratory research into real-life applications. However,...

Machine Learning Framework for Materials with AI

Project Description Machine-learning (ML)-based materials informatics approaches (MI) are increasingly used to accelerate design and discovery of new materials with targeted properties, and extend the applicability of first-principles techniques to larger systems. However, in order to empower materials with AI capabilities, it is crucial to develop a predictive framework that...

FPGA development for Radio Frequency Communications Distortion Reduction

Project Description Transmitters used for radio frequency (RF) communications systems (cell phones, wifi, etc) need to be made linear so they don't introduce distortion into the data signal. Normally, this is done with digital signal processing techniques to "pre-distort" a signal as a way to correct for the nonlinearity of...

Optimization of Multipulse Ultrasound Imaging

Project Description Ultrasound imaging is an important tool for medical diagnostics, but we must work to develop imaging sequences that can image faster and with greater clarity to address a wider range of patients and clinical tasks. We have developed a method that involves transmitting from each element on an...
