Building Directory
Offices/Spaces in the UMC | Room | Contact |
Alferd Packer Restaurant & Grill | 160 | 303-492-6578 |
Alienware Buffalo Esports and Gaming Lounge | 138 | 303-492-6366 csigaming@colorado.eduÌý |
Aspen Rooms | 285, 287, 289 | 303-492-8833 |
Basic Needs Center | 308A | 303-735-9938 basicneeds@colorado.eduÌý |
Buff Pantry | 1B73 | 303-735-9938 basicneeds@colorado.eduÌý |
Campus Dining Services | 140 | 303-492-6325 dining@colorado.eduÌý |
Center for Student Involvement | 330 | 303-492-6366 involvement@colorado.eduÌý |
Club 156 | 115 | 303-735-2695 theconnection@colorado.eduÌý |
Commuter Lounge | 102 | 303-492-7053 |
Conference Rooms | 235, 245, 247, 304, 351, 382, 384, 386, 404, 415, 417, 418, 425, 452, 455, 457 | Ìý |
The Connection Bowling, Billiards and Games | 105 | 303-735-2695 theconnection@colorado.eduÌý |
CU Book Store | 145 | 303-492-6411 assist@cubookstore.comÌý |
CU Collegiate Recovery Community | 411, 413, 414 | 303-492-9642 cucrc@colorado.eduÌý |
CU Events Planning & Catering | 140 | 303-492-8833 cueventsplanning@colorado.eduÌý |
CU NightRide | 233C | 303-492-3230 cunightride@colorado.eduÌý |
Dean of Students | 308 | 303-492-9048 deanofstudents@colorado.eduÌý |
Dennis Small Cultural Center | 457 | 303-735-1078 dscc@colorado.eduÌý |
Elevations Credit Union | 143 | 303-433-4672 x1526 |
Environmental Center | 355 | 303-492-8308 ecenter@colorado.eduÌý |
Fraternity & Sorority Life | 416 | 303-492-7175 fsl@colorado.eduÌý |
Glenn Miller Ballroom | 208, 210, 212 | 303-492-8833 |
Lactation Room | 132 | Request key from second floor info desk |
Infinitus Pie | 156 | 303-443-9148 |
InkSpot Copy Center | 130C | 303-492-7878 inkspot@colorado.eduÌý |
KVCU Radio 1190 | 1B80 | 303-735-4818 |
Off-Campus Housing & Neighborhood Relations | 313 | 303-492-7053 och@colorado.eduÌý |
Panda Express | 179 | 303-440-3337 |
Panhellenic Council | 416 | 303-492-7172 panhellenic@colorado.eduÌý |
Peace Corps | 122 | 303-492-8454 peacecorps@colorado.eduÌý |
Program Council | 401 | 303-492-7704 programcouncil@colorado.eduÌý |
Quiet Space | 223 | Ìý |
Rooftop Terrace | Fifth floor | Ìý |
Sal Aunese Lounge | Fifth floor | Ìý |
Starbucks | 158 | 303-492-7500 |
Student Engagement & Collaboration Area | 221 | Ìý |
Student Legal Services | 311 | 303-492-6813 |
Student Organization Lockers | 362 | 303-492-6366 |
Subway | 177 | 303-492-1643 |
UMC Information Desk | 233 | 303-492-6161 |
UMC IT Services | 1B14 | Ìý |
UMC Main Office | 305 | 303-492-8832 |
UMC Market | 130B | 303-735-8089 |
UMC Security | 233E | 303-492-8011 |
Veterans Memorial Lounge | 222 | 303-492-6161 |
Volunteer Resource Center | 458 | 303-735-4496 volunteer@colorado.eduÌý |
Washroom (CU affiliates only) | 223A | Ìý |
Student Government Offices | Room | Contact |
CU Student Government | 125 | 303-492-7473 custudentgov@gmail.comÌý |
Arts & Sciences Student Government | 121 | assg@colorado.eduÌý |
CUSG Appellate Court | 136 | cusg.attorneygeneral@colorado.eduÌý |
Graduate and Professional Student Government | 127 | gpsg@colorado.eduÌý |
Joint Boards | 125 | custudentgov@gmail.comÌý |
Student Organization Offices | Room | Contact |
Alpine Club at CU | 445 | cualpine@colorado.eduÌý |
Asian Unity | 137 | asianunitymail@colorado.eduÌý |
Collar Scholars | 434 | collarscholars@colorado.eduÌý |
CREO | 137 | creo@colorado.eduÌý |
CU Anime Club | 447 | anime-anonymous@colorado.eduÌý |
CU Â鶹ӰԺ Racing Team | 450 | buffsracing@colorado.eduÌý |
CU Fly Fishing | 447 | flyfishing@colorado.eduÌý |
CU GOLD | 330 | cugold@colorado.eduÌý |
CU Model United Nations | 440 | modelun@colorado.eduÌý |
CU Tabletop and Roleplaying Games | 450 | cudnd@colorado.eduÌý |
Cultural Events Board | 319 | ceb@colorado.eduÌý |
Distinguished Speakers Board | 123 | cudsb@colorado.eduÌý |
End Overdose | 440 | endoverdose@colorado.eduÌý |
Global Medical Brigades | 120 | globalbrigades@colorado.eduÌý |
Hike for Help | 445 | hikeforhelp@colorado.eduÌý |
Kappa Delta Chi Sorority, Inc | 451 | kappadeltachi@colorado.eduÌý |
Muslim Student Association | 137A | msa@colorado.eduÌý |
Nepalese Student Association | 453 | ubnsa@colorado.eduÌý |
Oyate Native American and Indigenous Student Organization | 448 | oyatemail@colorado.eduÌý |
Senior Class Council | 134 | scc@colorado.eduÌý |
Students Against Campus Sexual Assault | 120 | sacsa@colorado.eduÌý |
Tau Psi Omega Fraternity Inc. | 453 | taupsiomega@colorado.eduÌý |
United Mexican American Students (UMAS) | 448 | umas@colorado.eduÌý |
University of Colorado Emergency Medical Services (CUEMS) | 451 | cu-ems@colorado.eduÌý |
For a list of all recognized student organizations, including those not housed in the UMC, visit the Center for Student Involvement’s .