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SLHS Diversity Committee Presents: African American English: A historical overview with application to communication sciences and disorders

The SLHS Diversity Committee invites you to a workshop by Lauren Prather: African American English:  A historical overview with application to communication sciences and disorders.

Time:November 8, 2023 9:05-10:30 AM
Location: SLHS Building Room 230 

Lauren Prather, M.S., CCC-SLP, is a certified Speech-lanaguage Pathologist (SLP) and doctoral candidate at teh University of Cincinatta (UC) in Communications Sciences and Disorders.  She is a black American citisen of the United States, a bidialectal english speaker of African Americam Enlisg (AAE) and General American English (GAE).  Her research focuses on language and literacy for underserved populations.  Particulary black lanaguage and best assessment and intervention practices for SLPs working with the preschool population. 

Lauren Prather