PLC AMP Connection Roadmap

Wondering how to structure your AMP match meetings? The Connection Roadmap is a helpful guide that provides a suggested framework for your 2-3 meetings throughout the semester. From introductions to goal setting, career discussions, and reflection, this roadmap helps ensure that you and your match get the most out of your interactions.
[View the Roadmap]

Expectations Agreement

The Expectations Agreement outlines the key responsibilities for both sides of the match, helping ensure a productive and professional relationship. This document serves as a guide for clear communication, mutual respect, and commitment to making the most of your time in the program.
[Review the Expectations Agreement]

Match Feedback Form

Your feedback is essential to improving the PLC AMP experience for future participants. The Match Feedback Form allows you to share your thoughts on the program, the matching process, and your interactions with your mentee. By filling out this form, you help us create a better experience for everyone.
[Complete the Feedback Form]