Eaves Group Graphic

Eaves Group

The Eaves group uses statistical mechanics, quantum dynamics, and computation to understand physical properties of condensed phase systems and nanostructures. Research in the group focuses on ultrafast exciton dynamics in carbon nanostructures; multi-electron processes in polar solvents, molecular crystals, and nanocrystals; nanoscale isomers of ligands on gold; and the interplay...

Betterton Biophysics Group

Betterton Group

Betterton Group: Our work is in theoretical biophysics, soft condensed-matter theory, systems biology and bioinformatics. Several current areas of interest are motor-protein motion and collective effects in motor-filament interactions, the biophysics of cell division, DNA elasticity and DNA-protein interactions, coupled linear aggregation and liquid-crystal ordering, and analysis of mass spectra...
