Research Groups

The Barnes Group carries out research on bioelectromagnetics, studying the effects of small yet physiological relevant E&M fields present in our everyday environment.

The Cogswell Group Micro Optical Imaging Systems Laboratory (MOISL) conducts research in computational optics, sensing, and imaging (COSI) for biological microscopy systems. 

We develop fast, high-resolution, three-dimensional and biocompatible imaging techniques that can be retrofitted into conventional widefield microscopes. To image live cell dynamics at high speeds, we have three main approaches: 1) Extended depth-of-field imaging -- by modifying the wavefront at the objective pupil, we can optically increase the depth of field up to ~20 times greater than the traditional depth of field with a minimal compromise of image resolution. This helps us image a relatively thick specimen into one sharp image, which normally requires multiple through-focus acquisitions. 2) Expanded point information content imaging -- we create a ring-like point spread function where the depth information of the specimen is encoded into the ring diameter, such that we can analyze the ring structures in the obtained images to extract the three-dimensional information about the specimen. 3) Quantitative phase imaging -- we utilize the quantitative property of differential interference contrast microscopy to obtain the full phase map of a specimen. We can use such information to construct a two-dimensional map of optical path lengths, and convert that to the surface profile or the refractive index variation of a specimen.
Diddams Group

We introduce laser-based quantum metrology tools that lead to new understanding of physical systems and enable technological and scientific breakthroughs. A central theme is the development and application of optical frequency combs for precise synthesis and control of fields across the electromagnetic spectrum.

The Gopinath group works in laser development and applications. Specific interests include ultrafast and high power cw and pulsed lasers, beam combining, mid-infrared sources and materials, spectroscopy of semiconductors, membranes, and other new materials, rare-earth doped media, micro- and optofluidics, and orbital angular momentum of light. 

We are a research lab focusing on developing new types of hybrid superconducting and semiconducting qubits with the goal to enhance the lifetime of these artificial atoms. Our projects are at the intersection of quantum material science and quantum information science.

Shu-Wei Huang's group studies novel ultrafast nonlinear dynamics in photonic structures, and incorporates the dynamics to enhance the device performances with focuses on sensing and imaging applications.

They are also interested in functional integration of photonic devices with microfluidic, MEMS, photopolymer, and 2D materials to broaden the scope of chip-scale sensing and imaging devices. 

Our research is at the interface of optics and materials science. We create new photoresponsive materials, typically polymers, to address important problems in regenerative medicine, lithography and bio-optics. 

We work on developing photonic devices using nanoscale materials and conduct extensive numerical modeling, synthesis and fabrication of nanostructures and optical characterizations to demonstrate novel optical phenomena.

The Park Group conducts research on light-matter interaction in nanoscale materials and structures. Metallic nanostructures exhibit strong optical responses arising from the collective oscillation of free electrons, which is called surface plasmon. Using the surface plasmon nanostructures, one can strongly influence various optical processes such as absorption, emission and energy transfer. We conduct fundamental studies on these phenomena and also develop novel applications in energy technology and medicine. Another focus area is mid-infrared photonics which offers a new platform for sensing, communications, etc. We are developing novel nonlinear optical devices based on chalcogenide which exhibits strong nonlinearity in the mid-infrared region.

The research in the Piestun group deals with the control and processing of optical radiation at two significant spatial and temporal scales, the nanometer and the femtosecond. 

The research is driven by the interest in the existence of new phenomena occurring at these scales and the fascinating applications in new devices and systems.

We carry out research in a variety of areas aimed at advancing solar energy harvesting devices, developing new optoelectronic materials and devices, and studying fundamental processes in biological systems. 

The central mission of our work is to find creative and insightful solutions to scientific problems both basic and applied, using a combination of experimental research and computational simulation to guide our efforts. Some of our activities include carrying out electronic and photophysical characterizations and modeling of photovoltaic devices made from new materials; fabricating and characterizing organic field effect transistors (OFETs) and organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs) made from new materials and implementing new mechanisms of device operation; and studying microbial systems through culturing bacteria under various environmental conditions to better understand how interactions between cells lead to specific behaviors and patterns of the whole colony.

The Wagner Group (KAOS) develops systems and devices for optical information processing and multidimensional signal processing utilizing coherent and nonlinear optics utilizing both ultrafast and ultrastable lasers for demanding applications such as true-time-delay RF antenna array beamforming and computational imaging using dynamic structured light for Fourier telescopy and microscopy.

 The KAOS group concentrates on Fourier optics and computational imaging, optical computing and signal processing, nonlinear optics and spatial-spectral holography, and RF photonics for array processing. Our research in optical information processing focuses on utilizing the unique computational properties of optical physics and devices to produce special purpose optical signal processing systems with significant computational advantages over conventional microelectronic digital approaches. Alternative computational paradigms that are well matched to the capabilities and limitations of optical devices and systems are being investigated including analog signal processing, ensemble quantum computing, fault tolerant computing, and deep neural networks for machine learning.

A major application area for our research has been in RF photonic signal processing for microwave imaging, target recognition, squint-free adaptive beamforming and jammer nulling for advanced radar systems. We also utilize stabilized tunable lasers to address spectral-hole-burning materials in order to record spatial-spectral holography for multidimensional signal processing applications, including dispersion compensation and modal demultiplexing for spatially multimode fiber optic communication systems. Ultrafast and supercontinuum lasers are utilized for nonlinear optics and multiwavelength optical processing systems exploting the vast optical bandwidth throughout the visible and IR as an additional computational resource. And finally, novel approaches to acousto-optic devices, physics, and systems are being developed for applications in quantum computing, dual-comb spectroscopy, laser stabilization, true-time delay beamforming, as well as dynamic structured light computational imaging for Fourier telescopy and microscopy.

The Van Zeghbroeck group focuses on semiconductor device research, including growth and characterization of graphene-based devices, nano-structured Metal-Semiconductor-Metal photodetectors, modeling and simulation of AlGaAs/GaAs QW DBR silicon dual junction photovoltaic devices, and fabrication and characterization of GaAsBi heterojunction bipolar transistors.