Current and Completed Research Projects
- Scalable and Durable Lithium-Sulfur Batteries Utilizing Self-Healing Solid-State Hybrid Electrolyte Materials (NSF)
- All-solid-state Li-ion Batteries (AFRL)
- Development and Testing of New Low-Cost, Safe, Efficient, and Renewable All-Solid-State Sodium Batteries for Grid-Scale Energy Storage (ARPA-E)
- Solid State Hybrid Electrolytes Consisting of Inorganic and Self-healing Polymer Materials (NSF-MAST)
- Ionic Liquid Based Memebranes and Electrolytes for Advanced Batteries (NSF-MAST)
- Sustainable Energy Pathways: A Lab-to-Market Paradigm for the Optimal Design of Sustainable Energy Storage Materials (NSF)
- Optimizing Cycling Stability and Coulombic Efficiency of Nanostructured Si-Based Anode (NSF)
- Atomic Layer Deposition for Stabilization of Amorphous Silicon Anodes (DOE)
- An Ultra High Energy, Safe and Low Cost All Solid-State Rechargeable Battery for Electrod Vehicles (ARPA-E)
- Development of Advanced Li-Ion Battereis and Electrochromic Windows (NREL)
- Thermal and Electrochemical Characterization of Interface Engineered Electrodes (NREL)
- Solid State Li-ion Batteries (AFRL)
- Nanostructured Solid-State Composite Batteries (Phase II) (DARPA DSO)
- Design and Characterization of Novel Cathode Materials for Li-ion Battery (iMINT, target research)
- Embedded Batteries (iMINT target research) (iMINT, IBIDEN)
- Multiphysics for the Structural Integration of Li-ion Batteries (AF-MURI)
- Solid-State Nanostructured Batteries: Anode Optimization for Unsurpassed Performance and Reliability (CU-TTO POCg)
- Novel Silicon/NixSn1-x Core-Shell Nanowires for Superior High Capacity and Long Lifetime Lithium-Ion Batteries. (CU-IGP)
- Nanostructured 3-D Solid-State Rechargeable Batteries (SRC)
- Atomic Layer Deposition for High Energy and High Power Li-ion Batteries. (iMINT)
- New NanoDomain Materials for Photocatalytic Hydrogen Generation from Water (CU-IGP)
- Nanostructured Solid-State Composite Batteries (Phase I) (DARPA DSO)
- Novel ALD Coated Nanoparticle Anodes for Enhanced Performance Li-Ion Batteries (Phase I) (DOE STTR)