Section 10: Thesis/Dissertation Requirements
Master’s Thesis
A thesis, which may be research or expository, critical, or creative work, is required of every master’s degree candidate under Plan I. Every thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for an advanced degree must:
- Represent the equivalent of 4 to 6 semester hours of work (9 hours for the CRWR M.F.A.)
- Comply in mechanical features with the specifications for theses and dissertations available in the Graduate School
The final grade is withheld until the thesis is completed. In progress (IP) grades are assigned during each semester until the defense is successfully completed and the final copy of the thesis is accepted by the examination committee, at which time the final grade for all thesis hours is submitted to the Graduate School.
PhDÂ Dissertation Requirements
A PhD student writes a dissertation based upon original investigation and showing mature scholarship and critical judgment as well as familiarity with tools and methods of research. The subject must be approved by the student’s major department.
- Every dissertation presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for an advanced degree must represent the equivalent of at least 30 semester hours of work.
- The student is responsible for notifying the Graduate School of the exact title of the dissertation on or before the posted deadlines during the semester in which the doctoral degree is to be conferred.
- The dissertation must comply in mechanical features with the specifications for theses and dissertations available in the Graduate School.
The final grade is withheld until the dissertation is completed. In progress (IP) grades are assigned during each semester until the defense is successfully completed and the final copy of the dissertation is accepted by the examination committee, at which time the final grade for all dissertation hours is submitted to the Graduate School.
Doctoral Dissertation Credit Hour Requirements
To complete the requirements for the PhDÂ a student must register for a minimum of 30 dissertation credit hours. A student may not register for more than 10 dissertation credit hours in any one semester, including summer.
Continuous Registration Requirement
A PhDÂ student is required to register continuously as a full-time student for a minimum of five dissertation hours in the fall and spring semesters of each year, beginning with the semester following the passing of the comprehensive examination and extending through the semester in which the dissertation is successfully defended (final examination). A student not being required to maintain full-time status and not using campus facilities may claim off-campus status, which allows registration for three rather than the minimum of five dissertation credit hours. Off-campus status (3 credits of dissertation hours) is considered part-time. All University considerations for part-time status apply.
DMA students who have passed their comprehensive exams must maintain continuous registration by registering for a minimum of one credit hour of D.M.A. dissertation credits (TMUS 8100-8399) or TMUS 8029 in the fall and spring semesters of each year, beginning with the semester following the passing of the comprehensive examination and extending through the semester in which the final examination is passed.
AuDÂ students who have passed their comprehensive exams must maintain continuous registration by registering for four or five hours of graduate level course work each semester as required by the Audiology program, with five hours being taken during the semester in which the final examination is passed.
Additional full-time and part-time registration requirements may exist for international students or students receiving or deferring financial aid, though degree requirements remain the same. Affected students should consult with International Student and Scholar Services or the Office of Financial Aid for more information.
A student who fails to register continuously for required hours after passing the comprehensive examination must retake and pass the examination, to regain status as a student in good standing in the Graduate School. The department may require that the student validate course work more than five years old. At its discretion, the department may petition the Dean of the Graduate School for a time limit for completion of all degree requirements of up to one year after the retaking of the comprehensive exam. The department must petition the Dean of the Graduate School to waive the requirement to retake the comprehensive exam.
PhDÂ students must be registered for a minimum of five dissertation hours the semester (including summer semester) in which the dissertation defense is held. DMAÂ students must be registered for a minimum of one credit hour of DMAÂ dissertation credits (TMUS 8100-8399) or TMUS 8029 during the semester in which the final examination is passed. AuD students must be registered full-time for a minimum of five credit hours of graduate level coursework during the semester in which the final examination is passed.
Last updated July 2023