Per , “The faculty member is only eligible to retire once their combined age and years of service total at least 70.” Retirements can be regular or phased, and both types should use the form below. Once the Office of Faculty Affairs (OFA) receives the completed retirement memo, a retirement agreement will be drafted and sent to the liaison for routing in DocuSign for signatures. The retirement memoserves as the first step in the process; the memoisnota binding agreement between the faculty member and campus regarding their retirement. Only the retirement agreement drafted by OFA is a binding agreement.
This retirement memo should be submitted by the college/school liaison in connection with the faculty member. If the faculty member wrote a letter notifying the primary unit about their retirement, please attach that documentation to this form. For phased retirements, information agreed upon between the faculty member and department/unit (including annual merit formula, course assignments, and full-time equivalent (FTE) for each semester leading up to the retirement) should be included in the unit’s comment box.
Initials and signatures for members of the Office of Faculty Affairs (OFA) should not be included in the signatures below; once submitted, the document will automatically route for all required OFA signatures. If you have any questions, please contact the OFA Faculty Personnel Coordinator (