
Refereed Books

Cowell, Andrew. 2018. Tuscon:University of Arizona Press.

Cowell, Andrew and Brockie, Terry, eds. 2017. .Regina, SK: University of Regina Press (c. 110 pp).

Cowell, Andrew, C’Hair, William and Moss, Alonzo Sr., eds. 2014. ArapahoStories, Songs and Prayers: A Bilingual Anthology. Norman: University ofOklahoma Press (560 pp).

Limerick, Patricia, Cowell, Andrew and Collinge, Sharon, eds. 2009. . Tucson:University of Arizona Press

Cowell, Andrew with Alonzo Moss, Sr. 2008. . 鶹ӰԺ:University Press of Colorado (519pp).

Cowell, Andrew. 2007. . Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK: D.S. Brewer,Gallica Series (198 pp).

(324 pp).

Cowell, Andrew and Alonzo Moss, Sr. eds. 2005. Hinono’einoo3itoono / ArapahoHistorical Traditions. Told by Paul Moss. Winnipeg: University of ManitobaPress (531pp).

Cowell, Andrew. 1999. . Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press (270 pp).

Refereed Articles and Chapters

Cowell, Andrew, Kazeminejad, Ghazaleh, and Hulden, Mans. “Morphological Parsing ofArapaho and Algonquian Language Extensibility.” Under preparation forComputEL-2/Alberta Language Technology Lab conference and proceedings,Honolulu, March 2017.

Wagner, Irina, Cowell, Andrew and Huang, Jena. 2016.“.” Proceedings of Association forComputational Linguistics Conference, Berlin, 2016.

Cowell, Andrew. “Symmetry and Asymmetry in Arapaho Collaborative Narratives.”Under revision for Journal of Pragmatics.

Cowell, Andrew, Ramsberger, Gail and Menn, Lise. 2016. “.” Language93(1): 97-120.

Cowell, Andrew, Taylor, Allan and Brockie, Terry. “.” Anthropological Linguistics 58(2):132-170.

Cowell, Andrew. 2016. “Language Maintenance and Revitalization.” For The RoutledgeHandbook of Linguistic Anthropology, Nancy Bonvillain, ed. New York:Routledge: 420-432.

Cowell, Andrew and O’Gorman, Tim. 2016. “Speech-Genre Effects on StatisticalMeasurements of Arapaho Language Competency.” Proceedings of the 45thAlgonquian Conference, Chicago: 22-36.

Cowell, Andrew. 2015. “.” In New Voices for Old Words: Algonquian OralLiteratures, David Costa, ed. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press: 90-117.

Brockie, Terry and Cowell, Andrew. 2015. “.”In New Voices for Old Words: Algonquian Oral Literatures, David Costa, ed.Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press: 9-33.

Cowell, Andrew and DeNino, Maureen. 2013. “.” International Journal ofFrancophone Studies 16(1-2): 113-33.

Cowell, Andrew. 2013. “Visions of Performance in Tahiti: Vairaumati no Ra’iātea’sArioi.” Text and Performance Quarterly 33: 42-57.

Cowell, Andrew. 2013. “”.In Violence and the Writing of History in the Medieval Francophone World, NoahGuynn and Zrinka Stahuljak, eds. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer: 19-34.

Cowell, Andrew. 2012. “.” International Journal of theSociology of Language 218: 167-93.

Cowell, Andrew. 2012. “.” In Locating the Middle Ages: the Spaces and Places of MedievalCulture, Julian Weiss and Sarah Salih, eds. London: King’s College LondonMedieval Studies: 185-96.

Cowell, Andrew and Moss, Sr., Alonzo, eds. 2011. “Arapaho Songs.” Bombay Gin 37:1:Anthology of American Folk Music, 125-32.

Cowell, Andrew. 2010. “Food as Battleground in Medieval French Epics.” In Cuisineand Symbolic Captial: Food in Film and Literature. Cheleen Mahar, ed.Newcastle-upon- Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing: 152-171.

Cowell, Andrew. 2010. “.” In Saluting Aron Gurevich:Essays in History, Literature and OtherRelated Subjects. Yelena Mazour-Matusevich and Alexandra S. Korros, eds.Leiden: Brill: 167-89.

Cowell, Andrew. 2009. “”in Remedies for a New West. Limerick, Cowell and Collinge, eds. Tucson:University of Arizona Press, 47-65.

Cowell, Andrew, Collinge, Sharon and Limerick, Patricia. 2009. “” inRemedies for a New West, Limerick, Cowell and Collinge, eds. Tucson:University of Arizona Press: 13-26.

Cowell, Andrew. 2007. “” in Languageof the Land: Policy, Politics, Identity. Katherine Schuster and David Witkowsky,eds. Information Age Publishing: 149-64.

Cowell, Andrew. 2007. “.” Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 17: 44-60.

Cowell, Andrew. 2006. “.” Yale French Studies, 110:7-18.

Cowell, Andrew. 2005. “.” Proceedings of 36th AlgonquianConference, Madison, WI: 1-36.

Cowell, Andrew with Alonzo Moss, Sr. 2005. “.” Translation and criticalintroduction of three traditional Arapaho narratives. In Algonquian Spirit, BrianSwann, ed. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press: 472-494.

Cowell, Andrew and Taylor, Allan. 2004. “Report on the Status of Gros Ventre/Atsina.”Algonquian and Iroquian Linguistics 29:41.

Cowell, Andrew, with Alonzo Moss, Sr. “.” Proceedings of 35th Algonquian Conference. London, ONT, 2004:61-74.

Cowell, Andrew. 2004. “.” Names 52: 21-41.

Cowell, Andrew, with Alonzo Moss, Sr. 2003. “.” Anthropological Linguistics 45: 349-89.

Cowell, Andrew, with Alonzo Moss, Sr. 2003. “.” Proceedings of 33rd Algonquian Conference, Berkeley, CA: 162-80.

Cowell, Andrew. 2002. “” in The Question of the Gift,Mark Osteen, ed., New York: Routledge: 280-97.

Cowell, Andrew. “A Note of Clarification on the Arapaho TA Verb.” Algonquian andIroquoian Linguistics 27: 17.

Cowell, Andrew. 2002. “.” American Indian Quarterly 26: 24-43.

Cowell, Andrew. 2002. “.” Oral Tradition 17: 18-52.

Cowell, Andrew, with Alonzo Moss, Sr. 2002. “.” International Journal of American Linguistics 68: 341-65.

Cowell, Andrew. 2001. “.” Poetics Today, 22(4): 791-823.

Cowell, Andrew. 2001. “Gautier d’Aupais, Courtly Love, and the Dangers of theTavern.” Romance Notes 41(3): 273-80.

Cowell, Andrew. 1999. “.” Cultural Studies, 13:138-160.

Cowell, Andrew. 1999. "."Exemplaria, 11(1): 115-40.

Cowell, Andrew. 1997. "Deadly Letters: 'Deus amanz', the 'Prologue' to Marie'sLaisand the Dangerous Nature of the Gloss." Romanic Review, 88(3): 337-56.

Cowell, Andrew. 1996. "The Fall of the Oral Economy: Writing Economics on theDead Body." Exemplaria, 8(1): 145-67.

Cowell, Andrew. 1996. "Feminine Semiotics and Masculine Desires: Courtoisd'Arrasand the Proper Male Reader in the Middle Ages." Symposium, 50(1): 16-27.

Cowell, Andrew. 1995. "Diderot's Tahiti and Enlightenment Sexual Economics."Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 265: 349-64.