Protecting Temperature-Sensitive Ecosystems from Heat Pollution by Groundwater

Project Description Geothermal energy systems (GES) use groundwater as a source or sink of heat for heating or cooling. Groundwater is extracted from an aquifer, passed through a heat exchanger, and returned to the aquifer at a temperature that is warmer (if used for cooling) or cooler (if used for...

Arctic Exploration - Mechanical System

Project Description Working on a project funded through the NSF designing and prototyping a robotic arm that is able to attach to a research drone used to collect samples from ice floes in the Arctic that are too soft for researchers to walk on. Working with a full team, this...

Arctic Exploration

Project Description Working on a project funded through the NSF designing and prototyping a robotic arm that is able to attach to a research drone used to collect samples from ice floes in the Arctic that are too soft for researchers to walk on. This position is for a student...

Printed Biodegradable Batteries for Soil Sensing

Project Description Inefficiencies in resource distribution in agriculture caused by spatial variability in soil composition can be addressed by tailored soil and crop management in heterogeneous fields. However, current state-of-the-art sensors are typically expensive and labor-intensive to install/uninstall, thereby restricting the high-density deployment required for high spatial resolution measurements. Our...

Mechanical Design for Volumetric 3D Printing

Project Description Volumetric Additive Manufacturing (VAM) is the latest and greatest 3D printing technology that is bringing science fiction 3D printing to life! By projecting images into a volume of liquid material at different angles, an accumulation of energy builds within the material. When the energy accumulation in a region...

Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation as an Alternative Display Modality

Project Description While auditory and visual displays dominate the transfer of information, other sensory modalities, such as the vestibular system, may be a viable option and be able to help reduce operator information load. In Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation (GVS), electrical current signals the vestibular sensors involved with spatial orientation perception...

Sensor Array to Study Seed Germination and Soil Carbon Sequestration

Project Description The BEEM Lab is currently developing novel techniques to improve space farming and crop germination in microgravity environments. We are seeking an undergraduate researcher to assist with experiment preparation, material fabrication, and constructing a system for seed germination data collection. The student would also help to develop an...

Modelling Pilot's Perception of Orientation: Data Collection and Analytics

Project Description The overarching project seeks to model how we perceive our orientation and motion in our world. In order to do this, we will be taking data from human subjects. We will be using motion devices in the Bioastronautics laboratory to move subjects around while we ask them what...

Design and Fabrication of Flexible Smart Bracelet

Project Description Our group is developing a smart flexible bracelet that can be worn by patients and collect data to monitor health conditions. The goal of this project is to develop a scalable approach to design and fabricate flexible circuit that meets the requirements of this bracelet. The DLA student...

Developing Countermeasures for Motion Sickness in Astronauts Post Water-Landing

Project Description This project focuses on simulating the experiences of astronauts in a water landing in order to develop a suite of countermeasures to mitigate the effects of Entry Motion Sickness. Following ground-based analogs, we will simulate gravity transitions by spinning human subjects in the Human Eccentric Rotator Device (HERD)...
