Simulation of Self-Propelling Particles with Arbitrary Shape

Project Description Self-propulsion at the micrometer or nanometer scale is ubiquitous in biological systems around and within us. Inspired by this biological phenomena, there has been immense interest in creating synthetic microswimmers, i.e. self-propelling particles. However, most of the computational studies in this domain are limited to spheroidal or cylindrical...

3-D Motion Tracking and Filter Design for an Ultrasound Imaging System

Project Description We are developing a high resolution ultrasound imaging system that relies on 3-D tracking of the ultrasound probe using the Polaris Vega optical measurement system. This system will be used to enhance image quality for difficult-to-image patients and deep targets in the body. The student will explore the...

Fast and Efficient Modeling of Hybrid Supercapacitors

Project Description Hybrid supercapacitors use a combination of electrostatics and chemical reactions to store energy, and are used as a bridge between supercapacitors and batteries. While prior research has modeled hybrid capacitors using direct numerical simulations, those calculations come with extensive time requirements (on the order of weeks). This project...

GUI Development for Interactive Computational Network Explorer

Project Description This project requires the skills of a motivated student with a CS background to develop a high-performance graphical user interface that allows users to interact with Computational Pattern-Producing Networks. Our lab uses CPPN representations to control the geometry of soft robotic actuators, and investigates the application of automated...

Computational Design and 3D Printing of Robot Structures and Entire Robots

Project Description Imagine having a piece of software that could understand what you wanted a robot to look like without you needing to actually design the robot. This tool would convert your specifications about robot capabilities into a robot physical design. This is the tool that we’re building in the...

Ultraviolet (UV) Light Technology for Microbe and Biofilm Disinfection

Project Description UV light is an exciting alternative to chlorine for disinfection of water. This research will use ultraviolet (UV) light technology for disinfection purposes, particularly for control of microbial growth and biofilm development in water distribution systems. The impact of UV light on microorganisms will be studied through microbiological...

Social Justice and Environmental Quality in Denver - Air Quality Sensing

Project Description The student will work with mechanical and environmental engineers to test and deploy personal air quality monitors with participants in a research study being conducted in North Denver. The students responsibilities will include sensor calibration, providing sensors to research participants and training them on sensor use, as well...

SynBioHub3 - An Interactive Genetic Design Repository

Project Description The goal of this project is to improve the performance, capacity, usability, and scalability of SynBioHub, a next-generation repository for managing synthetic biology projects. SynBioHub3 will store designs for engineered biological systems, information about plans and protocols for the construction and experimentation on these designs, the experimental data...

Active Mixing of Laminar Flow using Thermal Bubble-Based Micro-Pumps

Project Description Thermal bubble-based micro-pumps are an upcoming microfluidic pump technology that are scalable, fully integrated, and have no moving parts. These pumps consist of a thin film resistor which superheats liquid to near its critical temperature (330 °C in the case of water) in less than 10 µs which...

Wet Granular Flows

Project Description Wet granular flows involve small, solid particles that are coated with thin liquid layers. They are important in coating processes (such as for controlled-release pharmaceuticals, fertilizers and candy), agglomeration processes (e.g., air filtration) and natural phenomena (e.g., avalanches and mudslides). This project studies the fundamentals of wet granular...
