Spring 2019 Courses

  • Click on the course title to view the description of each class.
  • M=Monday, Tu=Tuesday, W=Wednesday, Th=Thursday, F=Friday
  • Office Hours are held in the Hazel Gates Woodruff Cottage, unless otherwise listed.
  • Click here to download a pdf listof all courses offered Spring 2019 that count toward the WGST major/minor
Course NumberCourse TitleDay & TimeInstructorRoomOffice HoursOffice
WGST 2000-001
Introduces students to the field of Women & Gender Studies. Examines gender issues in the United States from interdisciplinary, multicultural, and feminist perspectives. Covers such topics as sexuality, beauty ideals, women’s health, violence against women, work, the economy, peace and war, and the environment. Meets MAPS requirement for social science: general. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: human diversity Arts Sci Core Curr: Human Diversity
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Social Sciences
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Diversity-U.S. Perspective
Tu/Th 11-12:15A. HatchHUMN 250MWF 8:30-9:45COTT 207
WGST 2000-002
Introduces students to the field of Women & Gender Studies. Examines gender issues in the United States from interdisciplinary, multicultural, and feminist perspectives. Covers such topics as sexuality, beauty ideals, women’s health, violence against women, work, the economy, peace and war, and the environment. Meets MAPS requirement for social science: general. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: human diversity. Arts Sci Core Curr: Human Diversity
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Social Sciences
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Diversity-U.S. Perspective
Tu/Th 3:30-4:45M. AlomarHLMS 229TuTh 2-3pmCOTT 206
WGST 2050-001
Explores diverse cultural forms such as film, popular fiction and non-fiction, music videos, public art, websites, blogs and zines which are shaped by, and in turn shape popular understandings of gender at the intersections of race, class, ability, religion, nation, and imperialism. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: human diversity.Arts Sci Core Curr: Human Diversity
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Diversity-U.S. Perspective
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Arts Humanities
Tu/Th 3:30-4:45K. SoaresEDUC 220TH 12:30-2:30

COTT 209


WGST 2200-001
Introduces the contributions of women to literature and the performing arts from a historical and cross-cultural perspective. Emphasizes representations of gender and sexuality, as well as the cultural contexts in which artworks are created. Stresses issues of structure, content, and style, along with the acquisition of basic techniques of literary and arts criticism.
Arts Sci Core Curr: Human Diversity
Arts Sci Core Curr: Literature and the Arts
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Arts Humanities
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Diversity-Global Perspective
MWF 1-1:50K. HarperHLMS 237W 2-4pmCOTT 207
WGST 2600-001
Examines the positionality of women in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, class, and power relations in a global context. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: contemporary societies.Arts Sci Core Curr: Contemporary Societies
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Social Sciences
Tu/Th 12:30-1:45R. BuffingtonEKLC E1B50TuTh 11-12pmCOTT 201
WGST 2700-001
Examines psychological research on gender and sexuality as they intersect with race, class and other social categories. Points of emphasis include differences in cognition, attitudes, personality and social behavior. Conceptual themes include research methodologies, implicit and explicit attitudes, stigma and stereotypes. These elucidate such areas as close relationships, leadership, career success and mental health and happiness. Recommended prereq., WGST 2000 or PSYC 1001. Same as PSYC 2700. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: human diversity.
Arts Sci Core Curr: Human Diversity
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Social Sciences
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Diversity-U.S. Perspective
Tu/Th 3:30-4:45A. HalkovicMUEN E131TuTh 2-3PM

COTT 207

WGST 3100-001
Explores a variety of alternative systematic accounts of, and explanations for, gender inequities. Social norms of both masculinity and femininity are analyzed in relation to other axes of inequality such as class, sexuality, race/ethnicity, neocolonialism, and the domination of nonhuman nature. Requisites: Requires a prerequisite course of WGST 2000 or WGST 2020 or WGST 2050 or WGST 2600 (minimum grade C-). Restricted to students with 27-180 credits (Sophomores, Juniors or Seniors) only.Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Social Sciences
MW 4:30-5:45D. MisriGUGG 205M 10:30-11:30 W 3-4COTT 208
WGST 3250-001
Examines the construction of gender, race, class, sexual orientation and disability in a selection of Disney's animated films. Cultivates skills of media literacy, exploring how mass media acts to enforce and maintain conventional gendered understandings of power, privilege and difference. Analyzes the political economy of the Disney phenomenon through a feminist lens.

Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Social Sciences

MWF 12-12:50K. HarperHLMS 241W 2-4pmCOTT 207
WGST 3650-001
Examines Latin American politics with particular focus on women's participation in social movements, war, revolution and elections. Compares women's and men's politics and activism and examines changing gender and sexuality policies, gender relations and the differential impact of political, economic, and social changes on men and women.

Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Social Sciences
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Diversity-Global Perspective

Tu/Th 9:30-10:45L. Bayard de VoloMUEN E431Th 10:50-12:50COTT 102
WGST 3702-001
Examines the role of science and technology in forming conceptions of race, gender, and class, and vice-versa. Considers how some populations benefit from scientific knowledge-production while others are excluded, or come to be its subjects. This interdisciplinary course introduces the cultural study of science and technology, investigating how science is produced as knowledge that informs and shapes race, gender, sexuality, and class. We explore this through historical, anthropological, literary, and philosophical investigations of technology and scientific inquiry. Such an engagement will allow us to politically, socially, and culturally contextualize the institutions of science and technology.

Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Social Sciences

Tu/Th 12:30-1:45M. AlomarHLMS 237TuTh 2-3pmCOTT 206
WGST 3712-001
This is a particularly exciting time to study gender and sexuality in sub-Saharan Africa. Dramatic changes are occurring across the continent that are reworking gender and sexuality, from women’s expanding presence in the workplace, the struggle for gay rights, changing notions of masculinity, and the highest rates of urbanization in the world. This class will provide an overview of many of these fascinating dynamics. It begins by focusing on how best to conceptualize gender and sexuality in Africa. The remainder of the course then focuses on a range contemporary issues, including African feminisms, gender & health, the impact of globalization, modern womanhood, new African masculinities, same-sex relationships, and environmental change.

Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Social Sciences

Tu/Th 11-12:15R. WyrodCLUB 13W 9:30-11:30COTT 211
WGST 3930
Provides field experience in local and national government and non-governmental agencies focusing on women and gender-related issues. Supervision by approved field instructors. Students must relate their academic experience to their field work experience though a portfolio and a final paper. Recommended prereq., 6 hours of course work in Women and Gender Studies and 30 cumulative credit hours. Please contact the Women & Gender Studies office for enrollment information.
WGST 3940
Enriches the academic experience of Women and Gender Studies majors and minors. This course usually will combine readings from books with lectures and discussions, community outreach and in-house publications spanning the interdisciplinary focus of the program. May be repeated up to 4 total credit hours. Restricted to WGST majors or minors.
Contact WGST Office to enroll.

WGST 4400-001

WGST 5400-001

Examines theories, methods and debates in the emerging field of transgender studies. Drawing on interdisciplinary perspectives, examines transgender identities, communities and political movements in different historical and cultural contexts. Focuses on crosscutting issues that shape transgender subjectivities, with special attention given to how transgender movements negotiate race, class, sexuality, labor, culture and nation.

Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Social Sciences
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Arts Humanities
Counts toward LGBTQ Certificate

MWF 10-10:50E. DavidEDUC 155M 1-3pm

COTT 210

WGST 4620-001
Provides an introduction to the history of sexuality in the modern era through engagement with recent interdisciplinary research into what sexuality has meant in the everyday lives of individuals; in the imagined communities formed by the bonds of shared religion, ethnicity, language and national citizenship; on the global stage of cultural encounter, imperialist expansion, transnational migration and international commerce.

Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Arts Humanities

Tu/Th 2-3:15R. BuffingtonHLMS 229TuTh 11-12pmCOTT 201
WGST 4800-001
Provides students with the opportunity to actively reflect on their education and to complete a research project that incorporates an interdisciplinary and feminist approach to the study of gender, class, race, ethnicity and sexuality. Offered each spring.
MW 3-4:15C. MontoyaCOTT 110M 4:15-5:15; W 2-3COTT 203
WGST 4840
May be repeated up to 7 total credit hours. Please contact the Women & Gender Studies Program for enrollment information.
WGST 4950
For qualified WGST majors working on the research phase of departmental honors. Prereq., junior/senior standing and 3.30 overall GPA.
Please contact the Women & Gender Studies Program for enrollment information.
WGST 4999
Qualified Women and Gender Studies majors may write an honors thesis, an in-depth research paper, on a topic of choice. Thesis hours available to majors only after successfully completing the research phase.
Please contact the Women & Gender Studies Program for enrollment information.
WGST 5400-001
Examines theories, methods and debates in the emerging field of transgender studies. Drawing on interdisciplinary perspectives, examines transgender identities, communities and political movements in different historical and cultural contexts. Focuses on crosscutting issues that shape transgender subjectivities, with special attention given to how transgender movements negotiate race, class, sexuality, labor, culture and nation.

Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Social Sciences
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Arts Humanities
Counts toward LGBTQ Certificate

MWF 10-10:50E. DavidEDUC 155M 1-3pmCOTT 210
WGST 6090-001
Explores how feminist theorists have understood gender and how it interrelates to our understandings of race, ethnicity, sexuality, embodiment and knowledge. Meets the requirements for the WGST certificate. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
M 12-2:30D. MisriCOTT 111M 10:30-11:30 W 3-4COTT 208
WGST 6290-001
This course explores the work of seminal Women of Color Feminist thinkers. Our readings will center on key terms and debates in WOC Feminisms, such as intersectionality, decolonization, coalition, anger, and love. Our approach will be historical and theoretical. Students will be encouraged to locate their own work within a key debate of WOC Feminism in their final papers.
Tu 12-2:30K. SoaresCOTT 111TH 12:30-2:30COTT 209

Featured Cross-listed classes

Course NumberCourse TitleDay & TimeInstructorRoomOffice HoursOffice
LGBT 2000-001
Investigates the social and historical meanings of racial, gender, and sexual identities and their relationship to contemporary lesbian, bisexual, gay, and transgender communities. Same as WGST 2030. Approved for GT-SS3. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: human diversity.

Arts Sci Core Curr: Human Diversity
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Social Sciences
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Diversity-U.S. Perspective
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Arts Humanities

MWF 11-11:50E. DavidHLMS 267M 1-3pmCOTT 210
LGBT 4400-001
Examines theories, methods and debates in the emerging field of transgender studies. Drawing on interdisciplinary perspectives, examines transgender identities, communities and political movements in different historical and cultural contexts. Focuses on crosscutting issues that shape transgender subjectivities, with special attention given to how transgender movements negotiate race, class, sexuality, labor, culture and nation.ÌýArts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Social Sciences
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Arts Humanities
Counts toward LGBTQ Certificate
MWF 10-10:50E. DavidEDUC 155M 1-3pmCOTT 210

For more WGST courses please check with other departments as many of our courses are cross-listed.