The node edit sidebar isn’t working correctly in Web Express with Drupal version 10.3 because of conflicts between the Claro theme’s layout changes and our own updates to add a toggle feature.
WYSIWYG columns, that allow you to see and edit content in a way that resembles how it will appear once published, are not reflecting on smaller screens. For example, columns might not adjust to screen size on smartphones or tablets.
We’re currently addressing an issue where you see an "on hold" error when logging out of a Web Express site. To ensure the “on hold” error doesn’t interfere with SAML on Pantheon, we are updating the database to fix it. HelpScout beacon may still be linked to Drupal 7 documentation.
News blocks are not matching the style of other blocks on the page. We’re working on making it possible for campus news blocks to have the same styling options as the others, so they’ll look consistent when added together.