Published: Jan. 28, 2004

Officials from the University of Colorado at 麻豆影院 and the Department of Athletics respond to recent allegations.

Statement By Phil DiStefano, Provost, University of Colorado at 麻豆影院

I am Phil DiStefano, provost of the University of Colorado at 麻豆影院. Chancellor Byyny is out of state dealing with a family emergency and so cannot be here. He and all of us at the university are deeply disturbed by recent statements in the media regarding our Athletics Department.

I wish to emphasize that the university takes very seriously its role in the education and personal development of all its students. Setting and enforcing standards of behavior for this campus community is a challenging but crucial part of that responsibility.

While we do not believe in trying this case in the media, we feel it is important to respond to these serious allegations. We strongly dispute the claim that the university fosters an environment of sexual harassment or that sex is used as a tool in recruiting athletes. We do not now, nor have we ever, condoned sexual misconduct by students or prospective students, whether they are athletes or not.

Let me emphasize that the university has responded to issues related to sexual harassment, sexual assault, and alcohol. We remain deeply committed to enforcing our policies in this area.





Statement By Athletic Director Dick Tharp

I would like to personally respond to the published allegations in today's media reports that the University of Colorado Department of Intercollegiate Athletics encourages and/or endorses inappropriate sexual behavior as a tool to entice young people to attend the University.

I came to 麻豆影院, Colorado in 1970 to attend the University of Colorado Law School. My wife and I have lived here and raised our family here for the past 34 years. I have devoted my professional life to this community and the University of Colorado and its commitment to the education of young people.

My professional education compels me to not seek to "try legal issues" in the media. However, there is a point where anecdotal assumptions, out of context quotes and allegations so directly attack your own value systems and the value systems of the people you know and work with that you cannot sit idly by. This is a special University and all of its employees, alumni and students deserve not to be tarnished by untrue allegations created by fantasy assumptions of who we are and what we seek to accomplish.

I am deeply and personally offended by these allegations. On behalf of the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics and all of its dedicated employees and students, I categorically deny any suggestion or intimation that we engage in or condone such reprehensible conduct as the use of sex to entice young recruits. Further, the development and education of talented young people with good value and strong character are our guiding principles. These values are not gender specific and don't vary from one program to another. We strive to teach young people proper standards of behavior and to learn how to succeed in life. That is our mission and I am proud of how we pursue and accomplish this at the University of Colorado.

Statement By Football Coach Gary Barnett

I feel that my professional and personal integrity has been attacked聟I have been publicly accused of encouraging inappropriate behavior by my players聟 this is offensive to me, my family, my colleagues and my team. These accusations are not only inaccurate but my record and reputation over the past 33 years prove it to be a LIE.

I have been an educator for 33 years and much of my teaching and emphasis is about character. I have been diligent in my emphasis of character at every level聟high school and college. This player handbook that I have been using and revising for the past twelve years is evidence in itself. Every player that I have coached in the past 12 years has read this book with me as well as my coaching staff.

I hold our student-athletes to high standards. They face consequences if they violate these standards. This situation is no different, despite the inaccuracies which have been reported.

Every coach, player and staff member, male and female in our football program is offended by the way our team is being portrayed. We stand for and teach, "do the right thing" and we demand it in everything we do.

I'm proud to be a part of the most diverse department of students and staff on this campus. Our Mission Statement deliberately says "we will respect, foster and draw strength from our cultural diversity.

Neither myself nor any of my coaches have ever encouraged or condoned sex as part of the recruiting process, period. The accusation is WRONG, INACCURATE聟a LIE.

My wife and my family are deeply offended. Those people who have worked with me and know me at any and all levels are offended. I am both offended and hurt at these allegations that have been raised against our program and myself.

See these web sites for additional information: Office of the Chancellor, University of Colorado at 麻豆影院. University of Colorado System web site.