Publication Highlight
- RASEI Fellow Mike Toney published a collaborative paper exploring perovskite properties
- Over the past two months three reports from across a range of RASEI collaborations have been released that have focused on improving the stability, efficiency and scalability of perovskite materials for their application in solar cells.This
- This article in the The Conversation, co-authored by RASEI Fellow Kyri Baker, explores more energy efficient strategies for keeping cool
- This collaborative report provides new insight into how reactive species interact.
- This report from RASEI Fellow Oana Luca proposes a new technique for Carbon Capture
- New Editor in Chief, RASEI Fellow Garry Rumbles, reviews the research landscape in sustainable fuels.
- RASEI Fellow Tanja Cuk reports, in Nature Materials, an approach that provides insights into the splitting of water to produce molecular hydrogen.
- RASEI Fellows Matt Beard and Joe Berry are co-authors on this report published in Science
- This publication from RASEI Fellow Gregor Henze describes new, affordable and accurate sensors to better understand energy use in residential buildings.