Jonothan Dean Headshot
Postdoctoral Fellow
Quantum Sensors Division

Project Description

The researcher is apart of听The Quantum Sensors Group at NIST in a multiperson team developing cryogenic sensors for the detection and spectroscopy of single photons and particles. Some of the researchers responsibilties include, but are not limited to designing and testing cryogenic sensors including superconducting transition-edge and kinetic inductance devices along with readout systems for arrays of cryogenic sensors, developing microcalorimeter spectrometers built from cryogenic sensor arrays and implementing them in measurement applications in the basic and applied sciences, interacting with collaborators on the operation and application of cryogenic sensor instruments, and developing new applications for cryogenic sensors as well as pursuing听both internal and external funding.

Research Interests

Relativistic Quantum mechanics; X-ray physics; Atomic physics; X-ray fundamental parameters; Quantum electrodynamics

CV Jonathan Dean