Dating Bill of Rights
I have the right to:
- trust my own experience.
- refuse to date anyone without explaining myself.
- be treated with respect.
- pay my own way on a date.
- not pay my own way on a date and still not be sexual.
- express my opinions, beliefs and preferences.
- have mutually consenting and good sex if I choose.
- change my mind.
- refuse to have sex.
- be respected as a person.
- disagree with my date.
- say no and be heard.
- be happy, sad, scared or angry.
- use my own transportation on a date.
- leave any dating situation my instincts tell me to.
- receive emotional support and understanding.
- have friends of my own.
- pursue my own interests.
- be loved.
- be cared about.
- experience intimacy.
- ask for help if I need it.
- not be abused, physically, emotionally and or sexually.
- have my needs considered as much as my partner's.