Sustainability for All: Creating a More Diverse and Inclusive Movement of Impact Focused Businesses in Denver, CO

B LabAll companies, especially those owned by groups currently underserved by and underrepresented in business, should have the ability to participate in and benefit from a sustainable global economy. Not only does a sustainable economy create higher-quality jobs, build stronger communities, and preserve a healthier environment but it helps individuals boost their business acumen and success by engaging talented employees, retaining customers, attracting capital, and thus building more resilient business long-term models. Partnering with B Lab, a nonprofit whose mission is to build a global movement of people using business as a force for good, this project will work to help provide Denver’s underserved business owners with the tools and support to improve the long-term sustainability – economic, environmental, and social - of their businesses through consulting, workshops and outreach. A key partnership for this project is B Lab’s , a state initiative that works to inspire, equip, and celebrate all businesses and companies in Colorado that endeavor to enhance their community, environment and employees’ well-being.