- Associate Professor
- Ph.D. University of Victoria, Canada, 2010
- MATH 206
Research interests:
Analysis, Topology
Dynamical systems (in particular, Smale spaces), index theory (in particular, geometric K-homology), secondary invariants (e.g., the eta-invariant), noncommutative geometry and operator algebras
Select Publications:
- Constructing minimal homeomorphisms on point-like spaces and a dynamical presentation of the Jiang-Su algebra (joint with Ian Putnam and Karen Strung) J. Reine Angew. Math. 742 (2018), 241-261
- Nuclear dimension and classification of C*-algebras associated to Smale spaces (joint with Karen Strung) Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 370 (2018), no. 5, 3467-3485
- Realizing the analytic surgery group of Higson and Roe geometrically, Part III: Higher invariants (joint with Magnus Goffeng) Math. Ann. 366 (2016) no. 3, 1513-1559
- Realizing the analytic surgery group of Higson and Roe geometrically, Part II: Relative eta-invariants (joint with Magnus Goffeng) Math. Ann. 366 (2016) no. 3, 1319-1363