Sacred Stacks

  • Cover of the Sacred Stacks zine
    During the second half of 2022, MEDLab led seven communities to explore together the needs, ethics, and challenges of emerging decentralized technologies. What began as an errant search for practical tools became an exploration of ritual,
  • "Friends making a Mandala" by Cinema Tigers, via Stocksy United
    In February, we announced an open call for Sacred Stacks, an invitation to "Bring Decentralized Tools to Your Community." We were astonished by the response. Around fifty communities applied for only three available slots. Clearly, there is a
  • "Friends making a Mandala" by Cinema Tigers, via Stocksy United
    What are the consequences of relying on tools controlled by someone else? Often those in control are corporations whose values may differ from those of the communities that rely on them. Debates are escalating among artists, activists, and
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