Faradaic oxygen evolution from SrTiO3 under nano- and femto-second pulsed light excitation
- D. J. Aschaffenburg, X. Chen, and T. Cuk
- Chem. Commun., 2017,53, 7254-7257. . Download
During photocatalytic water oxidation, n-SrTiO3(100) demonstrated near 100% Faradaic efficiency for O2 evolution with nano- (30 ns) and femto- (150 fs) second pulsed laser excitation of the band gap, despite surface rearrangements attributed to the high peak power (300 MW cm−2). Therefore, these results establish a methodology for tracking intermediates of the water oxidation cycle at the n-SrTiO3(100) surface from the picosecond time scales of charge transfer through to the millisecond time scales of O2 evolution.
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