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High-pressure resistivity technique for quasi-hydrostatic compression experiments.

  • C.R. Rotundu,ÌýT. Cuk, R.L. Greene, Z.-X. Shen, R.J. Henley, and V.V. Struzhkin
  • Rev Sci InstrumÌý2013 Jun;84(6):063903. DOI: 10.1063/1.4809025. Download

Diamond anvil cell techniques are now well established and powerful methods for measuring materials properties to very high pressure. However, high pressure resistivity measurements are challenging because the electrical contacts attached to the sample have to survive to extreme stress conditions. Until recently, experiments in a diamond anvil cell were mostly limited to non-hydrostatic or quasi-hydrostatic pressure media other than inert gases. We present here a solution to the problem by using focused ion beam ultrathin lithography for a d anvil cell loaded with inert gas (Ne) and show typical resistivity data. These ultrathin leads are deposited on the culet of the diamond and are attaching the sample to the anvil mechanically, therefore allowing for measurements in hydrostatic or nearly hydrostatic conditions of pressure using noble gases like Ne or He as pressure transmitting media.