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2012 - 2014 Uintah Basin Winter Ozone Studies (UBWOS)

High winter ozone in remote oil and gas producing basins of the western U.S. is a recently discovered issue and one of the impacts of increased oil and gas activities in these regions.  The in the Uintah Basin, Utah were designed to understand the causes of these events.  Our group deployed measurements of nitrogen oxides, ozone and nighttime chemistry through these three field campaigns.  We also led the analysis of box modeling that defined the sensitivity of winter O3to NOxand VOC emissions in both snow-covered (high ozone) and snow-free (low ozone) years.

Selected Papers

Ahmadov, R., S. McKeen, M. Trainer, R. Banta, A. Brewer, S.S. Brown, P.M. Edwards, J.A. de Gouw, G.J. Frost, J. Gilman, D. Helmig, B. Johnson, A. Karion, A. Koss, A. Langford, B. Lerner, J. Olson, S. Oltmans, J. Peischl, G. P茅tron, Y. Pichugina, J.M. Roberts, T. Ryerson, R. Schnell, C. Senff, C. Sweeney, C. Thompson, P.R. Veres, C. Warneke, R. Wild, E.J. Williams, B. Yuan, and R. Zamora, Understanding high wintertime ozone pollution events in an oil- and natural gas-producing region of the western US. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2015. 15(1): p. 411-429. 

Edwards, P.M., S.S. Brown, J.M. Roberts, R. Ahmadov, R.M. Banta, J.A. deGouw, W.P. Dube, R.A. Field, J.H. Flynn, J.B. Gilman, M. Graus, D. Helmig, A. Koss, A.O. Langford, B.L. Lefer, B.M. Lerner, R. Li, S.-M. Li, S.A. McKeen, S.M. Murphy, D.D. Parrish, C.J. Senff, J. Soltis, J. Stutz, C. Sweeney, C.R. Thompson, M.K. Trainer, C. Tsai, P.R. Veres, R.A. Washenfelder, C. Warneke, R.J. Wild, C.J. Young, B. Yuan, and R. Zamora, High winter ozone pollution from carbonyl photolysis in an oil and gas basin. Nature, 2014. 514: p. 351-354. 

Edwards, P.M., C.J. Young, K.C. Aikin, J.A. de Gouw, W.P. Dub茅, F. Geiger, J. Gilman, D. Helmig, J.S. Holloway, J. Kercher, B. Lerner, R. Martin, R. McLaren, D.D. Parrish, J. Peischl, J.M. Roberts, T.B. Ryerson, J.A. Thornton, C. Warneke, E.J. Williams, and S.S. Brown, Ozone photochemistry in an oil and natural gas extraction region during winter: Simulations of a snow-free season in the Uintah Basin, Utah. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2013. 13: p. 8955-8971. 

Oil and Gas Equipment in the Uintah Basin