Published: Aug. 6, 2015 By

In our Anecdotal Evidence column, movers and shakers share personal stories of how intriguing (and often odd) presidential campaigning in their respective swing state can be.

Key swing states get the royal convention treatment


Robert Alexander. Photo: Lars Gesing/CU News Corps

Robert Alexander – Political Scientist, Ohio Northern University

“I went to the Democratic national convention in 2008 and to the Republican national convention in 2012. Talk about the power of swing states – you see it at these conventions in the way they are treated. In 2008 the Ohio delegation was very close to the convention center, everyday they were getting the choice speakers. We saw President Obama, Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton. We were getting the best treatment.

“In 2012, when I went to the Republican national convention, the Ohio delegates were really kind of teed off because they weren’t right next to the convention spot. They were about 25 minutes away. They are not used to that kind of treatment. They still got the good speakers, such as Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich.

“The first night of the 2012 convention was my last night at the hotel downtown. That first day, underneath my door – and I’m sure under everybody’s door, was a letter from Ron Paul supporters, saying, ‘You are not bound to your vote. You can do whatever you want to do. There is only one true candidate, Dr. Ron Paul.’ They were trying to influence delegates on that first day of the convention.”


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