Published: Aug. 26, 2019

Faculty Spotlight

Konrad Lehnert:JILA Fellow; Associate Professor of Physics; National Institute of Standards and Technology Physicist

Konrad Lehnert joined JILA and NIST in January 2003, where his research has focused on quantum electromechanics. Before coming to Colorado, Lehnert was a post-doctoral associate and associate research scientist at Yale Applied Physics Department.

Research interests and the Lehnert Lab

The Lehnert Lab always asks, “What is the largest and most tangible object that can be in two places at once?” Lehnert’s research group focuses on building electrical and electromechanical machines that can exhibit quantum behavior. These tools, like a quantum drum that can transmit and store quantum information, are necessary for quantum computers and a quantum internet. The Lehnert Lab also develops new precision measurement tools for astrophysics and condensed matter experiments.

The Lehnert Lab collaborates with JILA Fellow Cindy Regal and researchers at Yale, the University of Maryland and Caltech on the Multidisciplinary University Research Initiatives (MURI) Program. MURI also focuses on developing the tools and technology to move quantum information from one place to another using interfaces between qubits (basic units of quantum information) and light fields.


Lehnert received his PhDin physics from the University of California Santa Barbara in 1999, and graduated with honors from Harvey Mudd College in 1993.

Other notable achievements

Lehnert and Cindy Regal won the Governor’s Award for High-Impact Research in 2016. Heis also an American Physical Society (APS)Fellow, and a two-time Kavli Fellow.