HRSC /hr/ en View Avature Enhancements for Spring 2021 /hr/2021/05/04/view-avature-enhancements-spring-2021 View Avature Enhancements for Spring 2021 Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 05/04/2021 - 14:56 Tags: HRL HRSC

We are happy to announce several new enhancements to the CU Â鶹ӰԺ Jobs system! Please find below a summary of the new changes you can expect to see within the Search Committee Portal, Position Management Portal, and Jobs Portals. As you navigate these recent changes, please reach out to us at if you have any questions.

In the upcoming months we expect to release several additional enhancements to the Hiring Portal to support regular staff jobs, to the Jobs Portals to support the confidential letters of recommendations process, and to the Position Management Portal to support temporary staff hiring. Thank you for your continued feedback and support as we work to further enhance CU Â鶹ӰԺ Jobs, and stay tuned for further announcements from our team! 

Search Committee Portal

Job Posting Enhancements

  • When requesting a new faculty or research faculty requisition in the Search Committee Portal, you are now required to complete the “What We Can Offer†field. The Colorado Equal Pay Act requires all job postings to include the hourly or salary compensation (or range of hourly or salary compensation) and a general description of all benefits and other compensation to be offered to the hired applicant, including relocation, signing bonus, incentive pay, etc. 

General Usability Enhancements

  • A new "" page is now available on the portal "Home" page and menu navigation bar! On this page you will find helpful tips for using the portal, answers to frequently asked questions, and links to additional resources. 

  • We enhanced navigation throughout the portal by improving how page numbers are displayed on various pages and by adding navigation links to the top and/or bottom of the page to make it easier to return to the previous page.

Faculty/Research Faculty Candidate Review Enhancements 

  • When viewing application materials from the candidate detail page, the "Attachments" section will now display the specific name of any generic files that you requested from applicants. Previously, all generic files appeared with a generic label of "Additional Attachment".


  • The job dashboard page contains a new pipeline category of "Additional Application Materials Requested" to provide you with visibility to any applicants from whom we have requested supplemental application material. Previously, applicants in this status were not visible within the Search Committee Portal. 

Confidential Letters of Recommendation Enhancement 

  • The Minimum Letters Required report that displays the status of letters requested for a candidate will now display if and when an email to a letter provider was undeliverable. If you notice an email to a letter provider is undeliverable, contact your recruitment coordinator for assistance. As a reminder, you can access this report by clicking on the count of minimum letters required for the candidate. 


Position Management Portal

Staff Position Description Enhancements

  • You are now required to upload an organization chart when creating or modifying a position description.
  • We updated field labels and help text in various locations to provide greater clarity and guidance when creating or modifying a position description. 
  • When creating or modifying a position description, you can now use the “Requested Minimum Requirements†field to provide your position management consultant and HR recruiter with additional information about experience, education, licensure(s), or certification(s) important for consideration in the job announcement for the position, if applicable. 

  • Several new value options have been added to the “Supervision Received and Exercised†section of a position description so that you can better describe the supervisory responsibilities of the position and the amount of the department’s total budget. This information helps the position management consultant better understand the span of control, scope, impact and complexity of the position to ensure appropriate classification.
  • To ensure accurate funding information on a position, a new checkbox field will prompt you to confirm that the position speed type is accurate. 

Temporary Staff Position Enhancements 

  • A link to the Temporary Hiring Request is now available from the “Home†page of the . Please see our HR Hiring Website for instructions and guidance on how to fill a temporary position. 
  • As a reminder, requests for research faculty or temporary research positions should be submitted to HR through the . 

Jobs Portal

  • Temporary staff postings are now available on the Internal CU Â鶹ӰԺ Jobs site and the External CU Â鶹ӰԺ Jobs site! Use the “Employment Type†field to narrow the search results to display only specific employment groups. 

Summary of the new changes you can expect to see within the Search Committee Portal, Position Management Portal, and Jobs Portals.


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Tue, 04 May 2021 20:56:39 +0000 Anonymous 2605 at /hr
From the Chancellor: Message about winter break /hr/2021/05/03/chancellor-message-about-winter-break From the Chancellor: Message about winter break Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 05/03/2021 - 17:06 Tags: HRL HRSC News The revised schedule will enable students and most faculty and staff to be on leave at the same time, reducing the need for on-call scheduling. window.location.href = `/today/2021/05/03/chancellor-message-about-winter-break`;


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Mon, 03 May 2021 23:06:45 +0000 Anonymous 2599 at /hr
Classified Staff FY End Leave Rollover/Payout Options /hr/2021/04/26/classified-staff-fy-end-leave-rolloverpayout-options Classified Staff FY End Leave Rollover/Payout Options Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 04/26/2021 - 16:07 Tags: HRL HRSC News

According to the Colorado Department of Personnel & Administration, the Colorado State Personnel Board Rule 5-4.(A) will remain in effect through the end of the 2020-2021 fiscal year. 

Rule 5-4.(A) states that, during a declared emergency such as COVID-19, if a classified employee could not request, or was denied leave due to business necessity and was not given reasonable opportunity to use it, the annual leave up to eighty (80) hours over the maximum accrual allotment may be either carried over or paid out one time, before the end of the fiscal year. No hours carried over from a previous fiscal year can be carried over for a second fiscal year. Business necessity is defined at the division, college, or department level.

If leave was not denied or cancelled and the employee had reasonable opportunity to use requested leave, the rollover or payout is not applicable and the employee’s accrued leave above the max is forfeited. Classified employees who believe they are eligible for a carry over or payout of their annual leave should complete the Declared Emergency Leave Rollover Request Form and submit to their supervisor for approval. 

Completed forms must be submitted to the HR Service Center for processing no later than June 1, 2021.

As a reminder, University staff and 12-month faculty and can carry up to 352 hours (44 days) of vacation leave from one fiscal year into the next. Those with a balance over 352 hours on July 1, 2021 will lose excess hours during the annual leave sweep performed after the July payrolls. Excess leave hours may also be donated to the Leave Sharing Program

Supervisors or employees requesting guidance or additional information can contact their Employee Relations Consultant.

According to the Colorado Department of Personnel & Administration, the Colorado State Personnel Board Rule 5-4.(A) will remain in effect through the end of the 2020-2021 fiscal year. 


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Mon, 26 Apr 2021 22:07:45 +0000 Anonymous 2581 at /hr
Summer Hours Begin May 10 /hr/2021/04/14/summer-hours-begin-may-10 Summer Hours Begin May 10 Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 04/14/2021 - 23:29 Tags: HR News HRL HRSC

Summer hours for the Â鶹ӰԺ campus will be 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., effective Monday, May 10 through Saturday, August 14. On Sunday, August 15 the Â鶹ӰԺ campus will return to its regular operating hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

These hours apply to employees working on campus or remotely. Some departments maintain their own unique hours of operation. Please follow your department's schedule.

Summer hours for the Â鶹ӰԺ campus will be 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Some departments maintain their own unique hours of operation. Please follow your department's schedule.


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Thu, 15 Apr 2021 05:29:14 +0000 Anonymous 2559 at /hr
Leave Email Templates: Healthy Families and Workplaces Act Communications /hr/2021/02/12/leave-email-templates-healthy-families-and-workplaces-act-communications Leave Email Templates: Healthy Families and Workplaces Act Communications Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 02/12/2021 - 15:27 Tags: HRL HRSC

Communications were sent to individuals that are newly eligible for sick leave under the Healthy Families & Workplaces Act beginning in mid-January. The templates for these emails are available below: 

  Healthy Families & Workplaces Act- Sick Leave Email Templates

  ​ If the file doesn't immediately open, check your downloads folder. 

Templates of communications sent to individuals that are newly eligible for sick leave under the Healthy Families & Workplaces Act.


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Fri, 12 Feb 2021 22:27:58 +0000 Anonymous 2451 at /hr
Enhancements to the Avature Position Management Portal /hr/2020/10/28/enhancements-avature-position-management-portal Enhancements to the Avature Position Management Portal Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 10/28/2020 - 08:42 Tags: HRSC

Last month we released several new features in the Search Committee Portal to improve the candidate review process. We are happy to announce that new enhancements have been made to the Position Management Portal. As you navigate these changes, please let us know if you run into any issues.

Thank you for your continued feedback and support as we work to further enhance CU Â鶹ӰԺ Jobs.  Many more exciting enhancements are coming to the Hiring Portal, so please stay tuned for further announcements from our team.


Dashboard Enhancements

We switched the order of the panels on the dashboard. The first panel will now be ‘Take Action on Existing Positions’, followed by the second panel ‘Request New Position’, and the third ‘Status’ panel.


New List to View/Print Approved Positions

This new list is meant to provide a ‘view-only’ mode of all positions that does not initiate a position review process.



You can generate a printer-friendly version of jobs in this list using the "print" icon located on the page. To print only certain sections, use the blue collapse icon by each section header.



Position Status List Enhancements

The third panel at the bottom of the dashboard list called ‘Status’ has been reconstructed into a single list of all positions in progress. Clicking ‘View All’ will produce a list of all positions currently in progress.


Using the search bar, you can quickly search using keywords from the title or by position number. The list also offers quick sorting.



Using the ‘Status’ column in combination with the ‘Position Initiator’ and ‘Department Reviewer’ column, you should be better able to pinpoint the current reviewer of the position.


Clicking on jobs in this list will either present you with the action you are required to take or with a ‘view-only’ mode of the current job description being reviewed by others.


Added ‘Exit and Save as Draft’ Functionality

As you create a new position or request modifications to an existing position, you will now see the option to ‘Exit and Save as Draft’. Note: you will need to complete all required fields on a given page in order to save the position as a draft. You can fill the required fields with place-holder content until you are ready to resume the draft.


Jobs saved as drafts can be found in the list of ‘Positions/Drafts Requiring Your Review’.


You will be presented with the option to ‘Cancel’ a position if it is in a draft status.


General Usability Enhancements

We made general usability enhancements throughout the portal that include updating help text and button labels, navigation bar menu options, and banner images.


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Wed, 28 Oct 2020 14:42:28 +0000 Anonymous 2129 at /hr
State of Colorado COMPS Orders and furlough requirements do NOT impact CU /hr/2020/10/01/state-colorado-comps-orders-and-furlough-requirements-do-not-impact-cu State of Colorado COMPS Orders and furlough requirements do NOT impact CU Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 10/01/2020 - 12:04 Tags: HRSC

The State of Colorado is implementing two State Orders that do NOT impact the Â鶹ӰԺ.

Colorado Overtime and Minimum Pay Standards Order

The Colorado Overtime and Minimum Pay Standards Order (currently and proposed ) overhauls wage and pay regulations, including overtime, meal and rest breaks, overtime exemption standards, and other related areas for many Colorado employers.  However, these COMPS Orders do NOT impact CU.  There are NO changes to how CU manages overtime, meal or rest breaks.  CU continues to follow the federal Fair Labor Standards Act for overtime requirements and eligibility.

Campus departments should NOT post any as CU is not impacted by these Orders. 

Questions? Complete the Compensation & Equal Pay Action Questions Form. 

Executive Order On Mandatory Furloughs

On Tuesday, Sept. 22 the State of Colorado announced an mandating furlough days for state employees making more than $50,000 per year. Higher education is exempt from these state mandated furloughs.

CU Â鶹ӰԺ is currently working with CU System and the other campuses to determine if classified employee furloughs will be implemented. We will follow up when we have more information. 

Questions? Contact your Employee Relations Consultant

The State of Colorado is implementing two State Orders that do NOT impact the Â鶹ӰԺ.


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Thu, 01 Oct 2020 18:04:37 +0000 Anonymous 2077 at /hr
Reminder: Timelines For Completion /hr/2020/09/25/reminder-timelines-completion Reminder: Timelines For Completion Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 09/25/2020 - 15:46 Tags: HRSC

The HRSC strives for a 3 day turnaround on ticket inquiries. During our busy season this number will fluctuate. We do our best to respond to your phone calls, voicemails, and emails within one business day. Continue to send all urgent requests to! Thank you for being patient with us during these unprecedented times as our workload has increased from previous years.


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Fri, 25 Sep 2020 21:46:11 +0000 Anonymous 2073 at /hr
Plan Ahead For Spring! /hr/2020/09/25/plan-ahead-spring Plan Ahead For Spring! Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 09/25/2020 - 15:40 Tags: HRSC

Spring deadlines are right around the corner and with these ever-changing times it is best to plan ahead! After fall break, consider sending spreadsheets and offer letters sooner rather than later. 

  • The HRSC will be utilizing the same first-in-first-out system for the spring semester that was used for summer and fall. 
  • Spring deadline: December 18th 
Spring deadline: December 18th 


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Fri, 25 Sep 2020 21:40:55 +0000 Anonymous 2071 at /hr
Need to get an I-9 done? Here is what to do. /hr/2020/08/13/need-get-i-9-done-here-what-do Need to get an I-9 done? Here is what to do. Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 08/13/2020 - 20:53 Tags: HRSC News

Per federal law, the university is required to complete and retain a Form I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification document for all regular and temporary employees. If you have an appointment or are working at CU Â鶹ӰԺ, and have not done a Form I-9 at CU Â鶹ӰԺ in the last three years, then you may need to complete one. Completion of Form I-9 is a shared responsibility of both the employee and the university and must be completed by an I-9 partner, or authorized university representative, on or before the third day of employment.

Questions or Help? Contact for help making an appointment or for questions.
  • Section #1 must be completed by the employee. You will receive an email from HireRight.
  • Section #2 must be completed by an I-9 partner, or authorized university representative, on or before the third day of employment. The employee should provide acceptable documents to complete the I-9.
  • Form I-9 can be completed as soon as, but not before, a job offer has been extended and accepted. 

Where to Complete Section #2

  September 21 – December 31

Under the following circumstances employees should not come to the I-9 office:

  • individuals with symptoms
  • Individuals with confirmed COVID-19  

The  I-9 form is still required to be completed within three business days from your hire date.  Please contact to arrange to complete the I-9 remotely.  

Note: Regent basement location is temporarily closed during COVID-19.

If you have an appointment or are working at CU Â鶹ӰԺ, and have not done a Form I-9 in the last three years, then you may need to complete one. Completion of Form I-9 is a shared responsibility of both the employee and the university and must be completed by an I-9 partner, or authorized university representative, on or before the third day of employment.


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Fri, 14 Aug 2020 02:53:40 +0000 Anonymous 1911 at /hr