Annual Compensation Calendar

  1. STEP 1


    • Campus HR and the Provost’s Office send compensation increase rosters to Employee Services for upload to the payroll system.
    • Regular faculty, research faculty, and university staff annual pay increases are implemented (January 1).
    • Performance cycle begins for regular faculty (January 1).
    • Salary increase notifications are emailed from campus HR to eligible employees by the end of the month.
    • Campus HR publishes updated university staff pay ranges if changes have been made for the upcoming year (January 1).
    • Campus Budget & Fiscal Planning allocates support unit general fund budget for Faculty & University Staff
  2. STEP 2


    • Faculty Report on Professional Activities (FRPA) for the previous calendar year is due (February 1).
    • CU Board of Regents budget and fee meeting – campus funding request is presented by Budget & Fiscal Planning
    • Budget & Fiscal Planning updates Planning Parameters with projected compensation impacts to assist with unit planning for following fiscal year
  3. STEP 3


    • CU Board of Regents approve campus budget including any annual employee compensation increases.
    • Campus HR refreshes salary survey data used for setting university staff pay ranges.
  4. STEP 4


    • State of Colorado releases new fiscal year classified staff pay plan effective July 1.
  5. STEP 5


    • Campus HR works with Employee Services to upload classified staff and/or minimum wage pay increases to the payroll system.
  6. STEP 6


    • Classified staff annual pay increases are implemented (July 1).
    • New fiscal year classified staff pay ranges are effective July 1 (as set by the state of Colorado).
    • Campus minimum wage increases are implemented if applicable (July 1).
    • Performance cycle begins for university staff and research faculty (July 1).
    • Salary increase notifications are emailed from campus HR to eligible employees by the end of the month.
    • Budget & Fiscal Planning allocates support unit general fund budget for Classified Staff
  7. STEP 7


    • Performance cycle begins for classified staff (August 1).
  8. STEP 8


    • Deadline for new hires to be eligible for January 1 pay increases (Sept. 1).
    • Annual compensation report for classified staff for the next fiscal year is released by the state of Colorado.
    • Performance evaluations due for classified staff, university staff and research faculty (September 15).
    • Campus HR completes staff pay equity review to inform October budget recommendations (every 2 years).
  9. STEP 9


    • Performance plans due for classified staff, university staff, and research faculty (October 15).
    • Campus HR provides employee compensation recommendations and priorities for the next fiscal year to the Chief Financial Officer and the Chief People Officer (October 1).
    • October 1 recommendations will include, if applicable: 
      • Range structural adjustments 
      • Range progression increases 
      • Across-the-board and/or merit-based increases 
      • Compression increases 
      • Pay equity mitigation 
  10. STEP 10


    • Deadline to complete university staff and research faculty employee pay changes to remain eligible for a January 1 pay increase.
  11. STEP 11


    • Faculty, research faculty, and university staff compensation rosters finalized for January pay increase upload to HCM.