Man talking at lectern in front of screen

Stefan Leyk's Talk for the International Land Use Symposium in Dresden

Nov. 2, 2017

Geography Professor Stefan Leyk gave a video talk today titled "Patterns of Human Settlement over Long Time Periods: Historical Spatial Data and Uncertainty Assessment" to the International Land Use Symposium on β€œSpatial data modelling and visualisation to enlighten sustainable policy making”, held November 1-3 2017, in Dresden, capital of the...

Emily Yeh

Building Bridges with Alumni & Friends

Oct. 31, 2017

A special Alumni Event to feature and celebrate the work of the Geography department was held on Friday Oct 27 in IBS 155. The event was well-attended by alumni, current students, faculty, staff, and members of the community. Participants were treated to a reception with an hors d'oeuvre buffet, beer,...

Wildfire showing a mountainside burning

Jennifer Balch Discusses Wildfires On Science Friday

Sept. 27, 2017

Hear Geography Professor Jennifer Balch discuss " How Will The Wildfires Of Today Fuel The Fires Of Tomorrow? " on Science Friday. This year, 50,000 wildfires have burned 8.5 million acres of land in the United States. California, Washington, Oregon, and Montana currently have multiple large fires burning. The large...

Guggenheim Building

Geography Department Alumni Event

Sept. 7, 2017

Rediscover and Reconnect with CU ΒιΆΉΣ°ΤΊ Geography Come back to ΒιΆΉΣ°ΤΊ during Homecoming 2017 to celebrate and reconnect with your friends from CU! In addition to the reunion tailgate on Saturday October 28, which you can register for here , we are also holding a special event to feature and...

Man on boat deck looking out over water

Mark Serreze Named 2017 Professor of Distinction

Sept. 7, 2017

Mark Serreze , has been named 2017 Professor of Distinction by the College of Arts and Sciences in recognition of his exceptional service, teaching and research. This revered title is reserved for scholars and artists of national and international acclaim whose college peers also recognize as exceptionally talented teachers and...

Man shooting video in Nepal

Rupak Shrestha awarded NSF Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant

Sept. 5, 2017

Rupak Shrestha was awarded a National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement (DDRI) grant by the Geography and Spatial Sciences Program. The award will support his dissertation research project titled "Extra-Territorial Sovereignty, Nationalism, and the Politics of Development". His doctoral dissertation project will explore emerging questions in geopolitics about interactions...

Seth Spielman photo portrait

Seth Spielman and David Folch recipients of the 2017 SPAIG Award

Aug. 10, 2017

At the recently concluded Joint Statistical Meeting of the American Statistical Association, Seth Spielman and David Folch were recipients of the 2017 SPAIG Award (SPAIG is the Statistical Partnership Among Academe, Industry, and Government Committee). This is a nice honor for an important project. Myron P. Gutmann, Director, Institute of...

Silhouette of soldier manning grenade launcher

Forecasting violence in sub-Saharan Africa: What can we learn?

July 12, 2017

The question of how to reduce conflict most effectively is paramount. Prominent articles in science journals argue that we must stop climate change since it is creating a volatile environment where resource scarcities make farming and pastoralism harder, which, in turn, leads to more competition, sparking more violence. Our research...

Meredith DeBoom headshot

Meredith Deboom Awarded AAUW American Dissertation Fellowship

July 5, 2017

Meredith is one of forty recipients of a 2017-2018 American Association of University Women (AAUW) American Dissertation Fellowship. Recipients are selected on the basis of scholarly excellence, quality and originality of project design, and active commitment to helping women and girls through service in their communities, professions, or fields of...

Geography Students Invited to Phi Beta Kappa Membership

May 15, 2017

Sebastian Wetherbee, Rachel Dorencz, Kelly Russo, Catherine Archer, Ann Weinheimer, Joshua Temes, and Eva Coringrato have either joined or have been invited to join the Alpha Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa at the University of Colorado.
