
Daniel Kaffine


  • Environmental and resource economics
  • Property rights
  • Urban economics
  • Spatial and dynamic modeling
  • Renewable energy


  • PhD Environmental Science and Management, University of California,
    Santa Barbara (2007)
  • MA Economics, University of California, Santa Barbara (2003)
  • BS Physics, University of St. Thomas (2002)
  • BA Mathematics, University of St. Thomas (2002)

Curriculum Vitae


  • Renato Molina, Christopher Costello and Daniel Kaffine, ''Ìý Ecological Economics, 218:108113, 2024
  • Jonthan Hughes, Daniel Kaffine, and Leah Kaffine. '.'ÌýTransportation Research Record, 2677(4): 892-903, 2023.
  • Thomas Ash, Antonio Bento, Daniel Kaffine,ÌýAkhil Rao, and Ana Bento. '.' Nature Communications, 13(1): 1-14, 2022.
  • Peter Maniloff and Daniel Kaffine. 'Private monitoring and public enforcement: Evidence from complaints and regulation of oil and gas wells.'ÌýJournal of Environmental Economics and Management,Ìý108: 102473, 2021.
  • Harrison Fell, Daniel Kaffine, and Kevin Novan. '.' American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 13(2): 241-272, 2021. 
  • Sean Ericson, Daniel Kaffine, and Peter Maniloff '.' Energy Policy,Ìý146:111749, 2020.  
  • Akhil Rao, Matthew Burgess, and Daniel Kaffine 'Orbital Use Fees could quadruple the value of the space industry.' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,Ìý117(23): 12756-12762, 2020.
  • Daniel Kaffine,ÌýBrannin McBee, and Sean Ericson. 'Intermittency and CO2 reductions from wind energy.' Energy Journal, 41(5): 23-54,Ìý2020.
  • Edward Balistreri, Daniel Kaffine and Hidemichi Yonezawa, 'Optimal environmental border adjustments under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.' Environmental and Resource Economics, 74(3): 1037-1075, 2019. 
  • Daniel Kaffine. 'Microclimate effects of wind farms on local crop yields.' Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 96: 159-173, 2019.
  • Julie Lundquist, K.K. DuVivier, Daniel Kaffine, and Jessica Tomaszewski. '.' Nature Energy, 4:26–34, 2019.
  • Jonathan Hughes and Daniel Kaffine. '' Economic Inquiry, 57(1): 667-684, 2019.
  • Antonio Bento, Teevrat Garg, and Daniel Kaffine. 'Emissions reductions or green booms? The general equilibrium effects of a Renewable Portfolio Standard.' Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 90:78-100, 2018.
  • Christopher Costello and Daniel Kaffine. 'Natural Resource Federalism: Preferences versus connectivity for patchy resources.' Environmental and Resource Economics 71(1):99-126, 2018.
  • Harrison Fell and Daniel Kaffine. '.' American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 10(2): 90-116, 2018.
  • Harrison Fell, Daniel Kaffine, and Daniel Steinberg. 'Energy efficiency and emission intensity standards.' Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 4(S1): S201-S226, 2017.
  • Jonathan Hughes and Daniel Kaffine. 'When is increasing consumption of common property optimal? Sorting, congestion and entry in the commons.' Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 81: 227-242, 2017.
  • Daniel Kaffine and Graham Davis. 'A multi-row deletion diagnostic for influential observations in small-sample regressions.' Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 108:133-145, 2017. Multi-row Deletion Analysis - code and example (Matlab)
  • Christopher Costello and Daniel Kaffine. 'Private conservation in TURF-managed fisheries.' Natural Resource Modeling, 30(1):30-51, 2017.
  • Peifang Yang and Daniel Kaffine. 'Community-based tradable permits for localized pollution.' Environmental and Resource Economics, 65(4): 773-788, 2016.
  • Antonio Bento, Daniel Kaffine, Kevin Roth and Matthew Zaragoza-Watkins. 'The effects of regulation in the presence of multiple unpriced externalities: Evidence from the transportation sector.' American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 6(3): 1-29, 2014.
  • Nicholas Burger, Daniel Kaffine and Bob Yu. 'Did California's hand-held cell phone ban reduce accidents?' Transportation Research Part A, 66(1): 162-172, 2014.
  • Harrison Fell and Daniel Kaffine, 'Can decentralized planning really achieve first-best in the presence of environmental spillovers?' Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 68(1): 46-53, 2014.
  • Daniel Kaffine 'Scrap prices, waste and recycling policy.' Land Economics, 90(1): 169-180, 2014.
  • Antonio Bento, Jonathan Hughes, and Daniel Kaffine. 'Carpooling and driver responses to fuel price changes: Evidence from traffic flows in Los Angeles.' Journal of Urban Economics, 77(1): 41-56, 2013.
  • Daniel Kaffine, Brannin McBee and Jozef Lieskovsky. 'Emissions savings from wind power generation in Texas.' The Energy Journal, 34(1): 155-175, 2013. .
  • Kaylee Acuff and Daniel Kaffine. 'Greenhouse gas emissions, waste and recycling policy.' Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 65(1): 74-86, 2013.
  • Antonio Bento, Sofia Franco, and Daniel Kaffine. 'The welfare effects of anti-sprawl policies in the presence of urban decline.' Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 40(3): 439-450, 2011.
  • Antonio Bento, Sofia Franco, and Daniel Kaffine. 'Effectiveness of housing revitalization subsidies in the presence of zoning.' Regional Science and Urban Economics, 41(3):196-206, 2011.
  • Bob Yu and Daniel Kaffine. 'Blue Laws, DUIs and alcohol related accidents: Regression discontinuity evidence from Colorado.' The Journal of Economics, 27(1):21-38, 2011.
  • Daniel Kaffine and Christopher Costello. 'Unitization of spatially-connected renewable resources.' The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 11(1):Article 15, 2011.
  • Antonio Bento, Sofia Franco, and Daniel Kaffine. 'Is there a double-dividend from anti-sprawl policies?' Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 61(2):135-152, 2011.
  • Daniel Kaffine and Christopher Worley. 'The windy commons?' Environmental and Resource Economics, 47(2):151-172, 2010.
  • Christopher Costello and Daniel Kaffine. 'Marine Protected Areas in spatial property rights fisheries.' Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 54(3):321-341, 2010.
  • Antonio Bento, Sofia Franco, and Daniel Kaffine. 'Efficiency and spatial impacts of development taxes: The critical role of alternative revenue-recycling schemes.' American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 91(5):1304-1311, 2009.
  • Daniel Kaffine. 'Quality and the Commons: The Surf Gangs of California.' Journal of Law and Economics, 52(4):727-743, 2009.
  • Nicholas Burger and Daniel Kaffine. 'Gas prices, traffic, and freeway speeds in Los Angeles.' Review of Economics and Statistics, 91(3):652-657, 2009.
  • Christopher Costello and Daniel Kaffine. 'Natural resource use with limited-tenure property rights.' Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 55(1):20-36, 2008.
  • Heidi Albers, Michael Goldbach, and Daniel Kaffine. 'Implications of agricultural policy for species invasion in shifting cultivation systems.' Environment and Development Economics, 11(4):429-452, 2006.
  • Antonio Bento, Sofia Franco, and Daniel Kaffine. 'The efficiency and distributional impacts of alternative anti-sprawl policies.' Journal of Urban Economics, 59(1):121-141, 2006.

Other publications

  • Sean Ericson, Jeffrey Logan, and Daniel Kaffine. . No. NREL//TP-6A50-71750. National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2019.
  • Edward Balistreri, Daniel Kaffine and Hidemichi Yonezawa. '.' Nature Correspondence 560: 553, 2018.
  • Kevin McCoy, Vitaliy Krasko, Paul Santi, Daniel Kaffine, and Steffen Rebennack. 'Minimizing economic impacts from post-fire debris flows in the western United States.' Natural Hazards, 83(1):149-176, 2016.
  • Daniel Kaffine and Patrick O'Reilly. 'What have we learned about Extended Producer Responsibility in the past decade? A survey of the recent EPR economic literature.' OECD Environment Directorate, Working Party on Resource Productivity and Waste ENV/EPOC/WPRPW (2013)7/FINAL. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2015.
  • Daniel Kaffine, Brannin McBee, and Jozef Lieskovsky. 'Empirical estimates of emissions avoided from wind power generation.' USAEE Dialogues 19(1), 2011.

Working Papers and Papers in Review

  • 'The distributional benefits of emission reductions from renewable energy' with Nicole Mundt, reject and resubmit, 2023.
  • ' with Raul Bajo, Antonio Bento, and Zissis Marmarelis, revise and resubmit, 2023.
  • 'Do Competitive Markets Cleanup the US Electricity Sector?: Evidence from the Southwest Power Pool' with Doyoung Park, revise and resubmit, 2023
  • 'Are renewable generators price responsive?' with Harrison Fell and Scott Holladay, 2024
  • '' with Akhil Rao, Mark Moretto, Marcus Holzinger, and Brian Weeden, 2024

Work in progress

  • 'Travel Choices and Pandemic Federalism: A Surrogate Model Application to Epi-econ Models' with Lucas Ladenburger, and Alessandro Peri
  • 'A metapopulation model of travel behavior and disease dynamics' with Ana Bento, Lucas Ladenburger, and Alessandro Peri
  • 'Development of Reference Scenarios and Supporting Inputs for Space Environment Modeling' with Miles Lifson et al
  • 'Transmission and Trade' with Sergey Nigai and Doyoung Park
  • 'Do economic principles explain orbital resource use in space?' with Akhil Rao