Published: Jan. 24, 2017

Internship Opportunity at the US Environmental Protection Agency Region 8 Laboratory Field/Biology Team 16194 West 45th Drive, Golden, CO 80403

Nature of project(s) and skills required: The intern will assist aquatic biologists conducting environmental field investigations of aquatic ecosystems. Investigations may involve work in different environments to include lakes, mountains, streams, wetlands, industrial facilities, as well as in a laboratory. Typical field work may include lake profiles, stream flow measurement, water chemistry measurement, water quality sample collection, physical habitat assessments, field training, stream fish surveys, and benthic macroinvertebrate collection. Laboratory opportunities may include chlorophyll and algal toxin analysis, benthic macroinvertebrate analysis, and if the intern is interested, molecular and microbiology analyses. Fall and spring internships will have less field work during winter months, but may also include some winter sampling opportunities that include skiing or snowshoeing.