Published: March 28, 2016

Leadership Seminar: Effective Leadership to Drive Regulatory Compliance

May 19, 2016 Fort Worth, Texas

Early Registration on or before April 6, 2016 $345 members and $545 nonmembers

Late Registration on or after April 7, 2016 $395 members and $595 nonmembers

The goal of this one-day seminar is to provide useful tools for the new or upcoming utility leader in the drinking water profession. It will address some of the new demands in the drinking water field and also emphasize that leaders need to stay on top of developments in all areas, from the basics of good leadership principles and how they relate to regulations, the role culture plays in an organization, leaders’ role in promoting public health, ensuring their utility stays in regulatory compliance, effectively communicating complex regulatory developments and issues to customers, being aware of new contaminants that need close review, knowing the real cost of drinking water to understand what customers need and want to know.