Chemical & Biological Engineering Sample Undergraduate Curriculum

Contact theÌýÌýfor specific degree requirements corresponding to a particular catalog year.

128 semester credit hours are required to complete this degree.

Freshman Year

Fall Semester16 Credits
APPM 1350 Calculus 1 for Engineers4
CHEN 1211 Engr. General Chemistry4
CHEM 1221 Engr. General Chemistry Lab1
CHEN 1310 Intro to Engr. Computing3
CHEN 1300 Intro to Chemical Engineering (Optional)1
HSS Elective*3
Spring Semester16 Credits
APPM 1360 Calculus 2 for Engineers4
CHEN 2810 Biology for Engineers3
PHYS 1110 General Physics 14
HSS Elective*3
Free Elective2

Sophomore Year

Fall Semester17 Credits
APPM 2350 Calculus 3 for Engineers4
CHEM 3311 Organic Chemistry 14
CHEM 3321 Organic Chemistry 1 Lab1
CHEN 2120 Material & Energy Balances3
PHYS 1120 General Physics 24
PHYS 1140 Experimental Physics1
Spring Semester18 Credits
APPM 2360 Diff Eq w/ Linear Algebra4
CHEM 3331 Organic Chemistry 24
CHEM 3341 Organic Chemistry 2 Lab1
CHEN 4521 Physical Chemistry for Engineers3
CHEN 3200 ChE Fluid Mechanics3
HSS Elective*3

Junior Year

Fall Semester15 Credits
CHEN 3010 Applied Data Analysis3
CHEN 3210 ChE Heat Transfer3
CHEN 3320 ChE Thermodynamics3
College-approved Writing Course3
Free Elective3
Spring Semester16 Credits
CHEM 4611 Survey of Biochemistry3
CHEN 4090 Senior Seminar1
CHEN 3220 Separations & Mass Transfer3
CHEN 4805 Biomaterials3
CHEN 4830 BiokineticsÌý3
HSS Elective (3000+)*3

Senior Year

Fall Semester15 Credits
CHEN 4520 Design3
CHEN 4810 CBEN Lab3
CHEN 4820 Bioseparations3
Technical Electives6
Spring Semester15 Credits
CHEN 4530 Design Project2
CHEN 4570 Process Control4
Tech Elective3
Tech Elective3
HSS Elective (3000+)*3

There are three curricula for the BS degree in Chemical and Biological Engineering. These are:

  • standard curriculum (presented above)
  • pre-medicine curriculum
  • cooperative education program

Details may be obtained from theÌýChBE Advising Guide.

* When selecting humanities and social sciences (HSS) electives, students should consultÌýthe college’s degree requirements in this area.

** A list of college-approved writing courses can be found on theÌýHumanities, Social Sciences, and WritingÌý±è²¹²µ±ð.