Carl Bock
- Professor Emeritus
Research Interests
Grassland ecology, fire ecology, ecology of birds, conservation biology related to the above topics.
Selected Publications
Bock, C. E., Z. F. Jones, L. J. Kennedy, and J. H. Bock. 2011. Response of rodents to wildfire and livestock grazing in an Arizona desert grassland. American Midland Naturalist, in press.
Bock, C. E., Z. F. Jones, and J. H. Bock. 2008. The oasis effect: response of birds to exurban development in a southwestern savanna. Ecological Applications 18:1093-1106.
Bock, C. E., L. Kennedy, J. H. Bock, and Z. F. Jones. 2007. Effects of fire frequency and intensity on velvet mesquite in an Arizona grassland. Rangeland Ecology and Management 60:508-514.
Bock, C. E., J. H. Bock, L. Kennedy, and Z. F. Jones. 2007. Spread of non-native grasses into grazed versus ungrazed desert grassland. Journal of Arid Environments 71:229-235.
Bock, C. E., Z. F. Jones, and J. H. Bock. 2007. Relationships between species richness, evenness, and abundance among plants and animals in a southwestern savanna. Ecology 88:1322-1327.
Bock, C. E., R. A. Bailowitz, D. W. Danforth, Z. F. Jones, and J. H. Bock. 2007. Butterflies and exurban development in southeastern Arizona. Landscape and Urban Planning 80:34-44.
Bock, C. E., Z. F. Jones, and J. H. Bock. 2006. Grasshopper abundance in an Arizona rangeland undergoing exurban development. Rangeland Ecology and Management 59:640-647.
Bock, C. E., Z. F. Jones, and J. H. Bock. 2006. Rodent communities in an exurbanizing southwestern landscape (U.S.A.). Conservation Biology 20:1242-1250.
Audsley, B. W., C. E. Bock, Z. F. Jones, and J. H. Bock. 2006. Lizard abundance in an exurban southwestern savanna, and the possible importance of roadrunner predation. American Midland Naturalist 155:395-401.