She/Her/Hers • Faculty Fellow, Renée Crown Wellness Institute • Undergraduate Research Fellows Program • Associate Professor, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience

Eva Pietri is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience and a Faculty Fellow at the Crown Institute. Much of the research in Eva’s lab focuses on fostering inclusive environments to promote belonging and well-being, often focusing on the experiences of college students or individuals in emerging adulthood who are marginalized and historically excluded from academic spaces. Eva’s graduate students have been working on the mind. body. voice., Girls Like Us project. As part of this work, Eva and her students have had the fantastic opportunity to conduct multiple studies related to m.b.v. GLU, exploring differing forms of appearance-based discrimination for Black and White women students. We are excited to continue working on similar studies, exploring the unique appearance concerns and bias for women of color (particularly Black women) and the consequences of belonging.