Janine Davidson is president of Metropolitan State University of Denver. Before transitioning to a higher education career, she was appointed by former President Barack Obama as the 32nd undersecretary of the U.S. Navy.
In June, Gary Forsberg and the a cappella chorus he’s a part of, Sound of the Rockies, represented the U.S. at France’s Brittany American and Omaha Beach American Cemeteries, to commemorate D-Day’s 75th anniversary.
Tucker Hamilton and Aaron Frey are test pilots for the U.S. military’s most sophisticated fighter jets ever. Their journey together started in middle school.
In the spring of 2004, army reservist and public affairs officer Steven J. Alvarez waited to be called up as the U.S. military stormed Baghdad and deposed Saddam Hussein.
For Courtnie Paschall (Neuro, ElEngr’15), working on a drug trial for patients with schizophrenia while applying to 20 MD-PhD programs counts as light duty.