AIA lecture: "King Midas of the Golden Touch in Context: Death, Belief, Behavior, and Society in Ancient Phrygia"
King Midas of the Golden Touch in Context: Death, Belief, Behavior, and Society in Ancient Phrygia
Professor Beth Dusinberre
Wednesday, October 12 at 7:00pm
Paleontology Hall (CU Museum of Natural History) or via Zoom
Free and Open to Public

The spectacular burial tumuli at Gordion (Turkey), the capital of ancient Phrygia and seat of the legendary (but historical) King Midas of the Golden Touch, are presented in this lecture by CU's Elspeth Dusinberre. Its focus will be on the tombs dating from ca. 850-525 BCE,Ìýbeginning with Gordion’s oldest burial tumuli and then look at the largest, the so-called Midas Monument, before exploring the last century or so of tumulus construction. The later tombs display radical changes that reflect Gordion’s complex and shifting society and illuminate issues of power structures and display, gender, burial customs, afterlife beliefs in ancient Phrygia.