small AMBER

New Research Project: Project AMBER

March 9, 2021

We are very proud to announce a new NIH funded research project: Project AMBER "Aging and Marijuana: Benefits, Effects, and Risks". More information is available on the research page and we look forward to updating you with our research progress once the study commences.

Fall 2020 Graduates

Congratulations to our Fall 2020 Graduates, Cassandra and Sarah!

Dec. 16, 2020

Cassandra Cunningham completed with her honours thesis titled “Comparing Novice Yoga Participants and Yoga Practitioners on Emotion Regulation and Distress Tolerance”, under the mentorship of Dr Angela Bryan and Graduate Student Charleen Gust. Sarah Williams completed her bachelor degree, majoring in Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Biology & Neuroscience.


New published article from Graduate Student Renée Martin-Willett

Dec. 7, 2020

Renée Martin-Willett has recently published with the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity Title: Few Structural Brain Changes Associated With Moderate-Intensity Interval Training and Low-Intensity Continuous Training in a Randomized Trial of Fitness and Older Adults View the online article here

Laurel Gibson

Published Article from CUChange Graduate Student Laurel Gibson

Nov. 23, 2020

Laurel Gibson has recently published with the Complementary Therapies in Medicine journal Title: Experience of Migraine, its Severity, and Perceived Efficacy of Treatments among Cannabis Users View the online article HERE

FDA Presentation 19th November 2020

Dr. Cinnamon Bidwell to speak to the FDA Office of Women’s Health Public Meeting

Nov. 16, 2020

Dr. Cinnamon Bidwell will participate in 'Panel 1' of the FDA Office of Women’s Health Public Meeting "CBD and Other Cannabinoids: Sex and Gender Differences in Use and Responses" When: Thursday 19th November 9.30am - 10.30am (Eastern Time) Where: Virtual Meeting, register here for a weblink to the attend the...

Dr. Bidwell

New paper from Dr. Bidwell and team in JAMA Psychiatry

June 17, 2020

Association of Naturalistic Administration of Cannabis Flower and Concentrates With Intoxication and Impairment

Ethan Taylor

Undergraduate Ethan Taylor Receives Summer BSI Research Award

April 21, 2020

Undergraduate Ethan Taylor (Junior, Psychology and Neuroscience) has been named a recipient of a Summer Biological Science Initiative research award. Ethan is a member of the biomarker laboratory team and will be exploring the connection between cannabis use and perceived stress among participants in our SONIC study. Congratulations Ethan!

Kent Hutchison Sarah Hagerty Angela Bryan

Sarah Hagerty Recipient of Dosier Muenzinger Award for Outstanding Contribution to Translational Research

April 21, 2020

CUChange graduate student Sarah Hagerty has been recently named recipient of the Dosier Muenzinger Award for Outstanding Contribution to Translational Research by the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience. Sarah was nominated by Kent Hutchison, who notes that she is one of the top trainees Kent has had in his 20...

January Science Heroes

Integarated Microbiome Analysis Team Named January Science Heroes

Jan. 23, 2020

Kudos to this integrated crew of postdoctoral fellows, senior staff, and undergraduates who have taken on the microbiome data processing, management, and analysis across studies in the lab! This team has shown amazing levels of collaboration, grit, and intellectual curiosity in their work on the new microbiome data we are...

Dr. Bidwell

Dr. Bidwell speaks to Outside magazine about CBD safety and the state of the research now

Jan. 1, 2020

Dr. Bidwell gives advice on CBD products and what to be wary of with product claims.
