Fatemeh Pourahmadian

  • Assistant Professor

Office: ECOT 533


  • MS, Mechanical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2010
  • MS, Geo-Engineering, University of Minnesota, 2015
  • PhD, Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota, 2016

Professional Affiliations:

  • Society of Engineering Science (SES)
  • Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI)
  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
  • American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA)


My group aim to tackle some of the challenging direct and inverse problems in engineering mechanics involving wave motion. Examples include:

  • inverse scattering in complex or unknown domains
  • linear/nonlinear wave propagation in materials with periodic, random, or multiphase microstructure e.g. metamaterials, damage/degradation zones, porous/granular media
  • elastic-wave cloaking
  • nonlinear and multi-scale dynamics of material interfaces

Selected Publications:

  1. Francis N. M., Pourahmadian F., Lebensohn R., Dingreville R. (2024). A fast Fourier transform-based solver for micropolar composites. Journal of Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 418: 116510.
  2. Xu Y., Pourahmadian F., Song J., Wang C. (2023). Deep learning for full-field ultrasonic characterization. Journal of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 201: 110668.
  3. Narumanchi V. V., Pourahmadian F., Lum J., Townsend A., Tringe J. W., Stobbe D. M., Murray T. W. (2023). Laser ultrasonic imaging of subsurface defects with the linear sampling method. Optics Express, 31 (5): 9098-9111.
  4. Liu X., Song J., Pourahmadian F., Haddar H. (2023). Time- vs. frequency- domain inverse elastic scattering: Theory and experiment. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 83 (3): 1296-1314.
  5. Pourahmadian F., Haddar H. (2023). Ultrasonic imaging in highly heterogeneous backgrounds. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 479: 20220721.
  6. Pourahmadian F., Napal K. (2022). Poroelastic near-field inverse scattering. Journal of Computational Physics, 455: 111005.
  7. Pourahmadian F., Yue H. (2021). Laboratory application of sampling approaches to inverse scattering. Inverse Problems, 37: 055012.
  8. Pourahmadian F., Haddar H. (2020). Differential tomography of micromechanical evolution in elastic materials of unknown micro/macrostructure. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 13(3): 1302-1330. 
  9. Pourahmadian F., Guzina B. B., Haddar H. (2017). Generalized linear sampling method for elastic-wave sensing of heterogeneous fractures. Inverse Problems 33: 055007.
  10. Guzina B. B., Pourahmadian F. (2015). Why the high-frequency inverse scattering by topological sensitivity may work. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 471: 20150187.